Larkin is the last Red Wings forward to be re-signed before the 2017-18 season, The Detroit News reports, adding that the fast-paced pivot could lead to a five-year deal.
The Wings extended Anthony Mantha's contract Wednesday, and although it is certainly an important part of the Detroit reconstruction, it seems that GM Ken Holland retains his greatest signature for the end . According to CapFriendly, the team has only $ 2.87 million available space, but Johan Franzen (concussion) will definitely remain on the long-term reserve, and there are even rumors according to which captain Henrik Zetterberg (back) could sit for the whole season to join Franzen on LTIR. Larkin, who emerged as the leader of this proud franchise, recorded 47 career badists and 63 points last season. All signs tell him that he inherits the captaincy when Zetterberg is ready to retire.
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