WNC's flagship party lights up with March opposition on July 28 | Carson City Nevada News


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    Tom Herring will premiere the speech on July 28th this Saturday, July 14th at 7:30 pm during the weekly star festival .

The Western Nevada College Star Festival on Saturday, July 28 will brighten your day and give you the opportunity to see something out of the ordinary

. Jack C. Davis Observatory to see the red planet much brighter than usual. This occurs when Mars and the Sun align on opposite sides of the Earth. "Officially, the opposition occurs on July 31, but between July 27 and July 30, we will have the best viewing," said Thomas Herring. The director of the Davis Observatory. "

The opposition of 2018 is also special since it is a perihelic opposition, which means that Mars is at his perihelion, the part of his orbit closest to the Sun, and also to the This will result in the Mars on Jupiter for a few weeks before and after the opposition. "

The Red Planet will rotate closer to Earth than it has been in 15 years. even if the red planet will be at nearly 36 million miles.

Mars has become noticeably brighter since July 7th and will remain bright until September 7th. Interestingly, it will become brighter in the sky than all except the Sun, Moon and Venus.

The stars of the WNC are normally filming at o'clock in the evening at 11 pm The star parties are run by the Western Astrada Astronomical Society, which brings together people interested in astronomy.

Herring will give a lecture on March and the next opposition on Saturday, July 14 at 7:30 pm during the weekly star festival at the observatory.

The Jack C. Davis Observatory is located at 2699 Van Patten Drive in Carson City.

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