Chinese team sets record for entanglement in potential IT breakthrough – RT World News


A new record of "quantum entanglement" has been put in place that could increase computational speeds. Chinese scientists have managed to interwove 18 qubits – the most basic unit of quantum computing – in just six connected photons.

" It is as if you had taken six bits of the computer, but each of them has tripled the amount of information that it could hold and can do it fast enough and efficiently "Sydney Schreppler, quantum physicist. University of California

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  © David Nadlinger, University of Oxford

In theory, the ability to pack in three qubits per unprecedented photon will allow quantum computers to perform a wide range of calculations that are simply not possible with conventional computers. However, we will not know the full potential of the jump for a while because quantum computing is still in the early stages of development.

The team from the China University of Science and Technology published its multi-bit breakthrough in the journal Physical Review Letters.

Schreppler tells LiveScience that Chinese scientists have probably succeeded because they have packed as many qubits into so few particles. . " It's going to be a slow process ," she added, because connecting the six photons could take several seconds – an eternity compared to today's normal computer processes.

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Indeed, the team explained their effort to achieve the breakthrough taking advantage of " multiple degrees of freedom ]" in photons to establish their record.

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