British actress Jodie Whittaker made her public debut on Thursday as the first female Doctor Who, claiming that launching a woman to direct the long-running science fiction television series was inevitable.
Appearing in front of 6,000 fans at San Diego's annual Comic-Con pop culture meeting, Whittaker said he plays the role of being an alien who explores the universe in time machine and spaceship known as Tardis "truly liberating". Whittaker, 36, is the first woman and the 13th actor to play Doctor Who since the show started on the BBC's English network in 1963. Tradition has it that when a new actor takes on the role of the character, In the old days, the traveler is regenerated in a new body.
"It's in 2018. It's the direction in which [the show] was always going to come in," Whittaker said. "Obviously, this is the first time that there is a doctor." But the Doctor is regenerated every time … so there is only a slight difference. [19659002"It'sanexcitingworldIt'sbrandneweverydayformeThereisnoroleIhaveeverplayedthathasorwilleverbeapproachedfromthatIt'sanabsolutejoy"saidWhittakerpreviouslyknowntoplayagrievingyoungmotherintheBritishcrimeseriesBroadchurch
The new season of Doctor Who has been filmed in secret for months, but the BBC released Thursday the first trailer in which Whittaker's Doctor Who says, "All of this is new to me. New faces, new worlds, new times. "
The BBC has not announced a release date for the new season of 10 episodes of the show, which is one of its greatest hits in the world.
The Executive Producer Chris Chibnall said that writing for a woman had not presented any particular challenge.
"You do not write the Doctor differently because she's a woman," said Chibnall. "The doctor's line continues. It's just a brilliant new actress who plays it. "
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