Row delays Duterte's speech, a rebellious affair; Arroyo named speaker: The Asahi Shimbun


MANILA – A row of leaders in the Philippine House of Representatives delayed the annual speech of President Rodrigo Duterte on the state of the nation and the pbading of crucial legislation on Muslim autonomy aimed at ending one of the longest Islamic rebellions in Asia. Arriving Monday afternoon by helicopter in the Congress complex, Representative Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, supported by dozens of Allied legislators, took the main seat of the plenary hall of the House, sign that she occupied the House post. President Pantaleon Alvarez

Arroyo, a former president, tried to talk about the scene during the dramatic stalemate that was played live on television, but her microphone was turned off. She tried to scream, apparently to explain what was happening, but came down, greeting the crowd

Alvarez, accompanied by Senate Speaker Vicente Sotto III, went to get Duterte and led the obviously confused leader into a detention room . The House leadership debate took place in the room, filled with foreign diplomats, lawmakers and other dignitaries. Alvarez and Arroyo are close supporters of Duterte in the 292-member House, largely dominated by the president's allies

"They chose to disrespect their own president and realize their own ambitions in the sight of the nation It seemed that no one was controlling, "said opposition Senator Risa Hontiveros

" It is the true state of the nation, that is, the little war, racism and the tightrope, all at the expense of the people ".

Others called the quarrel a "circus" which revealed a deep flaw in Duterte's ruling coalition. An agreement was reached later allowing Alvarez to lead the joint session with Sotto to break the stalemate, delaying the president 's speech for more than an hour.

Seconded by nearly 200 lawmakers, Arroyo was sworn in last Monday. in an impressive political return. Former economics professor and clbadmate of former US President Bill Clinton at Georgetown University was detained in a hospital in 2012 for nearly four years for alleged corruption. but the Supreme Court dismissed the case and ordered his release.

The row of leaders prevented the House from ratifying a bill on Muslim autonomy that was part of a peace agreement with the 11,000-strong Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

The Senate ratified this bill unanimously. Bangsamoro new autonomous region in the south of the country, but members of the House have adjourned early because of infighting. The government had negotiated the pact for more than two decades with the largest group of southern Muslim insurgents.

Duterte was expected to sign the autonomy bill and emphasize it in his speech on the state of the nation. The peace agreement, which he promised to sign within 48 hours, is a bright spot of his two-year presidency, which has been sharply criticized for his record in human rights. man, his murderous repression and his vulgar language

. we solemnly pledge that this administration will never deny our Muslim brothers and sisters the basic legal tools to free their own destiny within the constitutional framework of our country, "said Duterte.

Thousands of demonstrators waving flags before the House, burned his effigy.They condemned him for the drug killings and for failing to alleviate poverty and inflation.

The Muslim rebels did not react immediately to the last delay in the realization of the peace agreement negotiated by Malaysia Autonomous region ravaged by conflict with a potentially larger, better funded and more powerful region for Muslim minorities in the south of the nation largely Roman Catholic.

The proposed agreement is the government's latest significant attempt to negotiate the end of nearly half a century of Muslim fighting that It has killed more than 120,000 people and hampered development in the poorest regions of the country.

The two largest southern Muslim rebel groups abandoned their claims for a Muslim state's autonomy and renounced terrorism. Western governments worry, however, about the presence of a small number of Islamist militants from the Middle East and South-East Asia who are seeking to train for combat and collaborate. with the Filipino insurgents.

Heavily armed Filipino insurgents swore allegiance to the Islamic State group, with dozens of foreign fighters, besieging the southern Islamic city of Marawi. Troops backed by US and Australian surveillance planes routed militants after five months of air strikes and ground attacks that left more than 1,200 dead, mostly Islamic fighters, and ruined the city mosque mosaic.

Duterte reaffirmed his commitment to fight illicit drugs and presented a draft Constitution that would transform the country into a federal system of governance. Movements, including the opening of the 1987 constitution to the amendment, have been opposed by several opposition groups and politicians, who fear that they are designed to prolong domination. of Duterte and give him dictatorial powers.

He stated that he was ready to resign as early as next year and to end his six-year term if a new federal government was put in place.

"I have no illusions of being in this position one day longer than the constitution under which I was elected permits or under any constitution," said Duterte

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