The United States will hit NATO Turkey against the detained pastor, says Trump


Susannah George and Darlene Superville, Associated Press

Published Thursday, July 26, 2018 22:16 EDT
WASHINGTON – US President Donald Trump said Thursday that the United States will impose sanctions on Turkey, a crucial NATO ally, in retaliation for the detention of an American pastor for terrorism and espionage [19659003]. Trump's promise of unspecified punitive action marks the latest deterioration in relations between Turkey and the United States as the powers of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan extend two years after a coup d'etat. Missed state against Turkey.

Trump also congratulated his counterpart, saying that Erdogan's management "gets very high marks."

The United States has long depended on a key air base in southern Turkey.

Pastor Andrew Craig Brunson was detained for the first time by the Turkish authorities following the failed coup of 2016. On Wednesday, he was released after a year and a half, transferred under house arrest to because of "health problems", according to the official Turkish news agency Anadolu.

Trump stated that this was insufficient.

This innocent man of faith should be released immediately! Trump wrote on Twitter

The announcement of sanctions – without specifying how or when – was made while the State Department was holding a three-day event for the promotion of religious freedom. Brunson's case became a cause for conservative Christians who form an important part of Trump's political base.

Turkey responded that Brunson's detention falls within the jurisdiction of his independent judiciary. "Rule of Law is for everyone, without exception, "said Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, via Twitter.

A spokesman for Erdogan warned the United States to reconsider its position and warn it. Adopt a constructive position Vice President Mike Pence announced the threat of action at the conference on religious freedom, then Trump tweeted that his government "will impose heavy sanctions on Turkey to r their long-term detention of Pastor Andrew Brunson ".

Trump could impose some sanctions unilaterally or try to act through Congress. Senators have already taken steps to block the sale of F-35 jets to Turkey, citing Brunson's detention as an example of Erdogan's contempt for the rule of law

Hogan Gidley, spokesman from the White House.

"The President has been clear on Twitter today, just like the Vice-President, whom they expect, the President expects Pastor Brunson to be immediately returned to the United States. And, if it is not the case »Brunid, 50, evangelical Christian pastor from North Carolina, could be sentenced to 35 years in prison if he is convicted of espionage and "commit crimes on behalf of terrorist groups without being one"

Brunson Denies Charges

"Brunson is an innocent man, there are no charges." Trent said on Twitter last week that the pastor's detention was "a total disgrace." One of Brunson's lawyers is Jay Sekulow, who also represents Trump in the federal Trump-Russia investigation.

Links between NATO ally and Turkey have been hindered by other problems

S-400 long-range missile defense system, refusing to retreat despite strong opposition from the United States and other members of NATO

The United States and Turkey also opposed the US support of Kurdish fighters in Syria that Ankara considers to be "terrorists" ".

At the conference, Pence pointed to cases of religious repression in Nicaragua, Iran, North Korea, China, and Myanmar. He also condemned the violence of Islamic State groups towards religious minorities and what he described as growing anti-Semitism in Europe.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also spoke. He announced additional help for an area of ​​Iraq previously owned by the Islamic State group. Pompeo said the United States would provide $ 17 million for mine clearance efforts in Nineveh, a region of Iraq that historically houses many religious minorities.

Erdogan previously linked Brunson's return to the United States to extradite the religious Fethullah Gulen, the man that the government of Turkey holds responsible for the missed coup of 2016.

Gulen , who denies orchestrating the coup attempt, lives in Pennsylvania. Turkish requests for arrest and extradition have not been accepted.

More than 77,000 people have been arrested throughout Turkey since the government declared the state of emergency as a result of the failed coup d'etat. The crackdown targeted journalists, activists and opposition figures.

Brunson lived in Turkey for 23 years and was pastor of the Resurrection Church of Izmir, a small Protestant congregation.

"I believe in the territorial integrity of Turkey and I support it," he told the court. "I forgive those who lie and bear false testimony against me."

The Brunson case was adjourned until October 12.

Associate press writer Cinar Kiper in Istanbul contributed to this report. (d, s, id) {
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