Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Royal Live Tour: The Royal Couple Returns to Australia | Royal | New


The Duke and Duchess of Susbad are nearing the end of their tour abroad. They will travel to New Zealand before returning to the UK.

Earlier in the day, Harry and Meghan met with Akilisi Pohiva, Tonga's prime minister, and his cabinet.

The future parents then joined Princess Angelika and Prince Ata, son and daughter of the King of Tonga, at the Fa onelua Center for an exhibition dedicated to the projects and crafts of young Tongans.

The next engagement of the Duke and Duchess took place at Tupou College, where they dedicated two forest reserves to Queen's Commonwealth Canopy.

Before Harry and Meghan, a pregnant woman, left Tonga, the Susbad had an audience with King Tupou VI and his wife, Queen Nanasipau, at the royal palace.

Follow below live updates on everything that's happening on the eleven day of the Royal Tour (every hour of the BST):

Update 8:20 am: The theft of Harry and Meghan cancels his landing

The theft of Harry and Meghan has significantly interrupted the landing when approaching at Sydney Airport.

A badpit message said: "There was a plane on the runway a bit slow to roll … so the decision was made to cancel the landing."

The failure of the landing of the flight is what is called a missed approach.

Meghan Markle royal tour, meghan markle tonga, meghan markle dress, prince meger markle harry royal tower, royal tour tonga, day of the royal tour 11

Meghan and Harry left Tonga to return to Australia (Image: PA)

Meghan Markle royal tour, meghan markle tonga, meghan markle dress, prince meger markle harry royal tower, royal tour tonga, day of the royal tour 11

Meghan wears a royal blue dress from Veronica Beard. (Image: Getty)

Update 07:40: Harry and Meghan will participate in the Sydney engagement later

The Duke and Duchess will attend the Australian Geographic Society's evenings at the Shangri-La Hotel.

3:10 am: Duke and Duchess of Susbad leave for Australia

Meghan and Harry left Tonga and will arrive in Sydney later in the day.

The royal couple traveled to their Qantas flight by a path lined with several large hand-made tapa rugs and local school children.

Updated 03:06 am: Meghan and Harry bid farewell to King and Queen of Tonga

The royal duo bid farewell to King Tupou VI and Queen Nanasipau'u before going to the airport.

The locals could be heard singing in the background as Meghan and Harry bid farewell to the Tongan Royals.

The royal couple shook hands with the monarchs of Tonga, and Meghan bowed to the queen.

02:30 update: students sing a humorous song to keep mosquitoes away

During the visit to Tupou College, the boys' choir sang a humorous song that was buzzing.

The goal was to scare away any mosquitoes that might have been around the Duke and Duchess of Susbad.

Update of 2:09: Meghan raises Zika's fears after her call from the Toloa Forest

Meghan Markle raised Zika's fear when she entered the Toloa Forest with Prince Harry.

It was reported that she had failed to visit a forest in Fiji during a visit from her husband as a precaution against mosquitoes.

However, she was dazzled in a royal blue dress today, her sleeves rolled up.

The Duchess nevertheless claimed to have taken measures to protect herself from the devastating Zika virus during her trip.

Meghan Markle royal tour, meghan markle tonga, meghan markle dress, prince meger markle harry royal tower, royal tour tonga, day of the royal tour 11

Harry and Meghan have arrived at Toloa Rainforest where they will unveil another canopy of the queen (Image: Getty)

Updated at 1:20 am: Prince Harry delivers a speech as he unveils Queen's canopy

The two men went to Tupou College to unveil a Commonwealth Canopy inauguration ceremony, and Prince Harry gave a speech to mark the occasion.

In college, he said, "My wife and I are delighted to be here today to celebrate the inauguration of The Queen & # 39; s Commonwealth Canopy initiative, which began in 2015 in the honor of creating two forest areas. Commonwealth.

"Tonga gives the example and understand very well the impact of environmental changes as they directly affect these islands. Planting trees and preserving forests helps us in many ways.

"It's a simple but effective way to restore and repair our environment, clean the air, protect habitat, and improve our health and well-being."

Updated at 1 am: Harry encourages the boys to sing louder during English rugby.

Harry sad the "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" and encourages students to sing it louder.

This is the English anthem of rugby.

Earlier, the Duke of Susbad had sung the Welsh anthem "Guide Me, Great Redeemer".

Meghan Markle royal tour, meghan markle tonga, meghan markle dress, prince meger markle harry royal tower, royal tour tonga, day of the royal tour 11

Prince Harry delivered a speech by unveiling the queen's awning (Image: Getty)

Meghan Markle royal tour, meghan markle tonga, meghan markle dress, prince meger markle harry royal tower, royal tour tonga, day of the royal tour 11

Meghan and Harry scrutinize a parrot at Tupou College (Image: Getty)

Update 12:30 pm: Meghan and Harry meet students from Tupou College in Toloa.

Meghan and Harry meet students from Tupou College.

Meghan accepted a bunch of schoolgirl flowers.

Harry would have asked a student, "Have you seen a flying fox?"


12:15 Update: Meghan and Harry arrive at the Toloa Forest

Harry and Meghan have arrived at the Toloa Rainforest where they will unveil another Queen Commonwealth Canopy.

Meghan changed her outfit and she is now in royal blue.

The dress seems to be from the designer Veronica Beard.

Meghan Markle royal tour, meghan markle tonga, meghan markle dress, prince meger markle harry royal tower, royal tour tonga, day of the royal tour 11

Meghan and Prince Harry have traditional garlands of Tonga (Image: Getty)

11:38 pm update: Meghan Markle leaves her child in shock after snubbing a "free hug" on Tonga's trip with Harry

A small child – visibly delighted by the appearance of the royal couple – held a sign saying "Free hugs", which Meghan noticed and smiled.

However, while the boy was watching, Meghan smiled, but did not stop to hug him, leaving the little boy gobsmacked.

The sign said, "Free Hugs !!! Malo e Lelei, Harry and Meghan".

But clearly, pregnant Meghan had her eyes on work.

The boy then fell to the ground, disappointed, visibly discouraged and depressed by the apparent snub of Meghan.

Meghan Markle royal tour, meghan markle tonga, meghan markle dress, prince meger markle harry royal tower, royal tour tonga, day of the royal tour 11

The couple met the Tongan Prime Minister and were greeted by children dressed in traditional outfits (Image: Getty)

Last news of 23:36: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry met the Tongan Prime Minister

MEGHAN Markle arrived with Prince Harry to meet Tongan Prime Minister Akilisi Pohiva and his cabinet on the second day of the royal couple's visit to the island nation.

Meghan Markle was magnificent in bands when she came to meet the leader.

The Duchess, dressed in a Martin Grant dress and her husband, Pricne Harry, met more than 50 officials dressed in red and black shirts and traditional outfits as they entered the government buildings of St. George for a meeting with Prime Minister Akilisi Pohiva and his cabinet. .

Additional report by Martina Bet.

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