Apple iOS 12.1 Has A Serious Problem

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iOS 12.1 has landed and it is

first major upgrade to iOS 12, bringing some
major new features and important fixed. Unfortunately, however, it also comes with a serious problem …

For iPhone and iPad owners who have upgraded to Apple iOS 12.1, it is easy to hack your phones with a simple phone call. And worryingly, anyone can do it.

Apple iOS 12Apple

The flaw is in lockscreen and allows you to have your face ID or Touch ID on your iPhone.

Shown off by security researcher Jose Rodriguez (video below), who can call your iPhone from the other side of the world This article is available on the Internet,

The flaw is specific to iOS 12.1 as well as not working on any other version of iOS and, ironically, worst affected are premium iPhone 6s, iPhone SE and older iPhone 6s do not have 3D Touch.

But the biggest worry is how easy this hack was discovered.

Rodriguez took just two hours to expose it and it's far from a one-off. Rodriguez has found a simple lockscreen bypbades in every iOS 12 release so far, with two in iOS 12 (1,2) and another in iOS 12.0.1 (link) prior to the iOS 12.1 hack today.

There's another concern in iOS 12.1 and iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X owners might want to look away now.

Despite Apple promising last year they would not be subject to the same controversial throttling performance the company applies to older iPhones, iOS 12.1 has introduced it for all three models.

Forbes' Ewan Spence This paper has already been published and has already been published in the United States. So iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR owners, it will be your turn this time next year.

And this is not the end of the problems.

My iOS 12.1 Upgrade Guide reports cases of graphics glitches, WiFi and battery life complaints. So you would be better off your upgrade flaws it does fix.

All in all, it's a deceivingly rocky start for iOS 12. ecially ecially Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp. On the plus side, iOS 12 is packed with secret secret features which show does not care about finely crafting its software.

What next? I would expect iOS 12.1.1 to get a fix bug fix before the end of November. Unsurprisingly, Apple has already announced it is in beta testing


Follow Gordon on Twitter, Facebook and Google+

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iOS 12.1 has landed and it is

first major upgrade to iOS 12, bringing some
major new features and important fixed. Unfortunately, however, it also comes with a serious problem …

For iPhone and iPad owners who have upgraded to Apple iOS 12.1, it is easy to hack your phones with a simple phone call. And worryingly, anyone can do it.

The flaw is in lockscreen and allows you to have your face ID or Touch ID on your iPhone.

Shown off by security researcher Jose Rodriguez (video below), who can call your iPhone from the other side of the world This article is available on the Internet,

The flaw is specific to iOS 12.1 as well as not working on any other version of iOS and, ironically, worst affected are premium iPhone 6s, iPhone SE and older iPhone 6s do not have 3D Touch.

But the biggest worry is how easy this hack was discovered.

Rodriguez took just two hours to expose it and it's far from a one-off. Rodriguez has found a simple lockscreen bypbades in every iOS 12 release so far, with two in iOS 12 (1,2) and another in iOS 12.0.1 (link) prior to the iOS 12.1 hack today.

There's another concern in iOS 12.1 and iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X owners might want to look away now.

Despite Apple promising last year they would not be subject to the same controversial throttling performance the company applies to older iPhones, iOS 12.1 has introduced it for all three models.

Forbes' Ewan Spence This paper has already been published and has already been published in the United States. So iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR owners, it will be your turn this time next year.

And this is not the end of the problems.

My iOS 12.1 Upgrade Guide reports cases of graphics glitches, WiFi and battery life complaints. So you would be better off your upgrade flaws it does fix.

All in all, it's a deceivingly rocky start for iOS 12. ecially ecially Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp Esp. On the plus side, iOS 12 is packed with secret secret features which show does not care about finely crafting its software.

What next? I would expect iOS 12.1.1 to get a fix bug fix before the end of November. Unsurprisingly, Apple has already announced it is in beta testing


Follow Gordon on Twitter, Facebook and Google+

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