Bernard Landry rests in the state at Notre-Dame Basilica


CTV Montreal

Posted on Monday November 12th, 2018 at 12:51 EST

Last updated on Monday, November 12, 2018 12:55 PM EST

The mourners lined up for hours Monday to allow them to pay their last respects to former prime minister Bernard Landry.

Landry was lying in Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal after being exposed to the National Assembly this weekend.

His flag-covered coffin was brought into the basilica with a police escort, accompanied by his close family.

Her daughter, Julie, said that this whole ordeal had been quite emotional, but she is very proud to see what her father represented for the people of Quebec.

Fr Miguel Castellanos, of the basilica, said a few words before allowing the mourners to clbadify the remains of Landry.

Former prime ministers Pauline Marois and Jean Charest, as well as former Parti Quebecois minister Serge Ménard, were among those in mourning on Monday.

"Intellectual quality, his ideas were clear, his arguments: always," said Ménard.

André Binette, who worked for Landry, admired many of his qualities, including "his quiet serenity, his confidence in the people of Quebec and his future".

Many of those present during Monday's visit said that Landry and his pbadion for an independent Quebec were a source of inspiration.

"He was an excellent prime minister and he was really great for us because he gave us a sense of pride and pride," said Luc Guay, who came from Sherbrooke for the first time. opportunity.

Landry died last Tuesday at the age of 81 from the aftermath of a long illness.

His funeral will be held Tuesday at Notre-Dame Basilica. Among his speakers will be his frequent political foe, Charest.

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