Recap "The Walking Dead": Season 9, Episode 12 – "Guardians"


Apparently, never have heard the saying "Pay attention to what you want!" The dead who walkHenry sues Lydia in the episode of Sunday, but gets for his problems something much worse than even a kiss that leaves a voracious aftertaste. (And you thought you were nervous meeting your mother of the girlfriend!) Meanwhile, Michonne was asked to reconsider her position on both Negan and the overflowing fair, and in fact made adjust his attitude towards one of them. Which? Continue reading.

the off season walking 9 episode 12 recollecting guardians"EYES OPEN – WHERE THERE IS ONE, THERE'S MORE" | As "Guardians" began, Alpha pumped Lydia to ask for info on the hill but had only what she called "an apology, wasted words", which made her wonder if this information was only reason his mother broke the rule to get her back. "What a stupid question," said Alpha, clearly under the impression that she could still have a chance at the mother of the year. Later, the Whisperer leader heard two of her subordinates complaining of the danger that she was endangering them, and Lydia found a yoyo on which she pulled the string. I got the impression – you notice, it was only the impression – that the toy had been left to him by Henry, who was quickly surprised by Alpha's commander-in-chief, Beta (Son of anarchyRyan Hurst). Whatever the case may be, as the Whisperers resumed their way to their highly populated camp with Carl 2.0, Alpha explained to her as clearly as the mask on her face that she suspected Lydia was lying down during her stay. Hilltop.

Once Henry was tied up at Camp Whisperers, the boss made some complimentary remarks to answer a question he had not asked: why did they dress in walking clothes? Because "the strong adapt, the weak die, as nature wanted," she said. About this, the guy from the gossip couple approached to ask if that was it save Lydia, "you let the weak die?" In no time, he challenged Alpha's leadership. She only knew that Lady MacBeth had put ideas in her head, so rather than fighting the man, she beheaded her terrified girlfriend with a thread. (Or was it a yoyo string? Wait, did the Whisperers arm yoyos?!?) Then she gave the guy loose to the guy and stabbed him mortally, setting up a horrified Henry for a therapy that he would never receive. Later, while Lydia ensured that her crush saw her hiding a locket in her shirt – was it hanging on a yoyo string? I have no idea with these two! – Beta advised Alpha to know if her daughter had feelings for Henry. So that night, Alpha ordered Lydia to kill the boy, otherwise she would kill them both. Fortunately for the young, before Lydia was forced to act, the marchers attacked the camp, and Daryl and Connie were willing to put the children in the shelter.

the walking dead season 9 episode 12 recap keepers"WE CAN NOT BE SO ENRAYED TO FIND ENEMIES WE LOSE OUR FRIENDS" | Back in Alexandria, Michonne tore up a new council to hide things from her (like Eugene and Rosita, the unfortunate mission to set up a radio relay). Aaron, still in shock at the death of Jesus, had Michonne's back. But Gabriel and Siddiq argued that the council's vote was no longer meaningful since, as chief of security, Michonne was allowed to overturn all decisions. Siddiq was particularly unhappy that Alexandria does not attend the Kingdom's trade fair. The situation there was worse than Ezekiel had said, Carol told him. But if Michonne was willing to welcome the Kingdommers if necessary, she refused to risk the life of Alexandria for the sole purpose of helping her friends by going to their fair. After this frustrating meeting, Gabriel went home and found Rosita ready to let him out nicely. "Yes [me being pregnant is] Too much and you want to walk, she suggested, I understand.

Shortly afterwards, Gabriel was visited at the church by Eugene who, despite his enthusiasm for Rosita, offered not one but two cards indicating the advantages / disadvantages of the preacher standing near the future mother. Be that as it may, "happiness shows a definitive pattern of growth when projected over the long term," noted Eugene. "But I'm not the father," Gabriel pointed out. Big deal. "You love yourself, you do not waste any more time," said Eugene. "It's all we have in the end." (And at the conclusion of the episode, it seemed that Gabriel was following Eugene's wise advice.) Not far away, Michonne went to Negan's cell, where the former boss of the Saviors claimed to have changed. . So, "if you do not want to kill me, you might learn to trust me a little bit." When she had finished laughing, he suggested that he had heard things, through his window to the world . And it seemed to her that the good thing she had had in Alexandria was out of her fingers. "If that's why you came back" after you escaped, she laughed, "you should stay out."

the off season walk 9 episode 12 goalies"THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA" | At home, Michonne made Judith confess that she was talking to Negan. It's not your friend, "said Michonne frightened. "Well, of course," replied the little girl, always a highlight of the episode. In no time, they were arguing over whether Negan was a monster or a human being. He killed people, said Michonne. If we let him out, he would kill more people. Judith noticed that he had gone out, but he had not hurt anyone. "People do not really change," said Michonne, pushing her daughter to give such a perfect answer that she found herself in her room: "It's you." warning that if the council voted to send a delegation to the fair, it would not veto it. "I think it's a terrible idea," she admitted, "but people can weigh the risks and choose. This is the charter they accepted. And in the last seconds of the hour, it was clear that such a vote had indeed taken place: the Alexandrians were preparing for the social event of season 9.

So, what did you think about "Guardians"? Hit the comments.

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