A $ AP Rocky and Tyler, the creator Share "Potato Salad", Tease & # 39; WANGSAP & # 39; collab


Watch the two freestyle in Paris below

  A $ AP Rocky and Tyler, the Creator Share

Posted on 24 Jul 2018

One of the most beautiful rap friendships is between Tyler, the creator and A $ AP Rocky, and having already toured together, the couple has now shared a new collaborative freestyle

"Potato Salad" duet. track "Knock Knock" on a foggy day in Paris, and you can watch them swap bars in the drive below. There is even a Jaden Smith cameo for good measure.

At the end of the clip, Tyler and Rocky tease a collaborative project entitled WANGSAP adding that it is "coming soon". The clip "Potato Salad" comes from Rocky's AWGE DVD Vol. 3 video, which arrived through the creative agency yesterday (July 23)

Of course, the two teamed together before, with Tyler appearing on A $ AP Mob & # 39 ; s Cozy Tapes Vol. 1: Friends while Rocky appeared on Tyler's Flower LP

Rocky released his LP Testing earlier this year.

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