Every month we can rely on the constant cycle of the moon: the velvety darkness of the new moon, the bright illumination of the full moon and everything in between. But from time to time, the orbit of the moon creates a powerful alignment with the sun, forming a powerful lunation known as the eclipse
<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" Eclipses are dynamic cosmic occurrences that activate the lunar nodes . In simple terms, the moon glides on an elliptical that is constantly circling around. The highest and lowest points of this orbit correspond to the lunar nodes, which appear in our birth charts as south and north nodes. The south and north nodes, often called " knots of fate ", symbolize our past and our future – our karmic path, eclipses activate these knots in our birth charts, illuminating our destiny, so yes, eclipses are a big problem." data-reactid = "12" > Eclipses are dynamic cosmic occurrences that activate the lunar nodes . In simple terms, the moon slides on an elliptical that constantly turns around the zodiac. The highest and lowest points of this orbit correspond to lunar nodes, which appear in our birth charts as south and north nodes. The south and north knots, often called the "knots of fate", symbolize our past and our future – our karmic path. As a result, eclipses activate these nodes in our birth cards, illuminating our destiny. So, yes, eclipses are a big problem.
But even though eclipses are important, they are not so rare. In fact, every year there are between three and seven eclipses, which often occur in clusters. Since 2016, eclipses electrify the Leo-Aquarius axis, shifting our public perception of leadership (symbolized by Leo) and humanity (represented by Aquarius) – sounds about right, does not. ;is this not?
<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The eclipses of Leo-Aquarius continue this summer , with a lunar eclipse in Aquarius on […] Friday, July 27 and the solar eclipse in Leo on [] on Saturday, August 11 .The final eclipse on this axis will occur on [21janvier1900] 21 January 2019 The total lunar eclipse at 0º Leo concludes this two-and-a-half year cycle. "data-reactid =" 14 "> The eclipses of Leo-Aquarius continue this summer, with a lunar eclipse in Aquarius on Friday, July 27 and the solar eclipse in Leo on Saturday, August 11 . The final eclipse on this axis will occur on [21 janvier 2009] on January 21, 2019 when a total lunar eclipse at 0º Lion concludes this two and a half year cycle
<p clbad = "canvas -atom canvas- text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" But while the eclipses of Leo-Aquarius disappear, a new series of eclipses just started. Thursday, July 12 the night sky was electrified by a solar eclipse at 20º from Cancer.C is the very first lunar cycle that will continue through July 5, 2020 .a new series of eclipses, we have a perfect opportunity to explore the meaning of these dynamic lunar phenomena.Here, the cosmic warriors: your complete eclipse guide to the front. "data-reactid =" 15 "> But as Leo-Aquarius eclipses come to an end, a new series of lipses is just starting. On Thursday, July 12 the night sky was electrified by a solar eclipse at 20º Cancer. This is the very first lunar cycle that will continue until July 5, 2020 . As we begin a brand new series of eclipses, we have the opportunity perfect to explore the meaning of these dynamic lunar phenomena. Here are the cosmic warriors: Your complete eclipse will guide you

Total Solar Eclipse: Photo Progress
Getty Images "data-reactid =" 32 ">
The stages of the total solar eclipse in Baihata, India
Getty Images
<h2 clbad = "canvas-atom canvas- text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " What is the difference between a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse "data- reactid =" 36 "> What is the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse?
There are two types of eclipses: solar and lunar. Solar eclipses occur during the phase of the new moon when the sun and the moon are positioned exactly to the same degree in the same zodiac sign. In this configuration, the moon pbades between the sun and the earth, temporarily darkening the sun. If this happens during the day (as last August, during the "Great American Eclipse"), the result is breathtaking: For several moments, the sun is completely obscured by the silhouette of the moon
< p clbad = "canvas-atom -text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Lunar eclipses, on the other hand, correspond to the full moon phase The normal full moon that reflects the illumination of the sun, during a lunar eclipse, the moon emanates from the shadow of the Earth (known as umbra .) With the Earth perfectly wedged between the sun and the moon, the moon – this distinctive hue is why we often speak of "blood moon." Data-reactid = "38"> Lunar eclipses, d & # 39; On the other hand, correspond to the full moon phase.But, unlike a normal full moon that reflects the sun's illumination, during a lunar eclipse, the moon emanates from the shadow of the Earth (known as umbra ). With the Earth perfectly wedged between the sun and the moon, the moon exudes a tawny red tone – this distinctive hue is why it is often called a "Moon of Blood".
<h2 clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " What do eclipses do "data-reactid =" 39 "> What do eclipses do?
These dynamic lunar phenomena were dreaded by our ancient ancestors. Early human civilizations built their societies around seasonal changes and annual movements of the sun, so when an eclipse occurred, they believed that the natural order had been compromised. For them, eclipses were a harbinger of danger – especially the apocalypse. Although we no longer connect these lunations to the last days, astrologically, eclipses are still very important.
Just as new moons are linked to beginnings and full moons are linked to climaxes, eclipses serve as celestial control points. An eclipse is a high-octane lunation that helps illuminate our karmic path, but in the same way that these cosmic events can be visually striking, eclipses can be a little dramatic. On the astrological plane, eclipses accelerate the process: they open new doors by slamming the others, so that we often find abrupt and sudden changes during eclipses. Although the changes may be discordant, eclipses help us by speeding up the inevitable.
So, if you have dragged your feet, eclipses will be sure to give you that extra push (or shove) needed to move on. While the results of eclipses can be shocking, remember that these lunations simply accelerate the inevitable – these events will happen eventually.
Remember that the ends are difficult, but everything is cyclical: a climax always occurs at the edge of a beginning
<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" Solar eclipses, which occur this summer Thursday, July 12 and Saturday 11 August correspond to new beginnings and unexpected occasions, but the sun (which symbolizes our external experience) is obscured by the moon (For many people, solar eclipses are when we realize that we need more than what we are currently receiving, and we are sending cosmic invitations to the universe to welcome abundance. "data-reactid =" 47 "> solar eclipses, which occur this sum Wed Thursday July 12 and Saturday August 11 correspond to new beginnings and to unexpected opportunities. However, since the sun (which symbolizes our external experience) is obscured by the moon (representing our inner emotional world during this lunation, solar eclipses often start internally.) For many people, solar eclipses are when we realize that we need more than what we are currently receiving, and we are sending cosmic invitations to the universe to welcome abundance.
<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) –sm" type = "text" content = "Lunar eclipses, one of which Pbad on Friday, July 27 help us understand the external implications of these changes: it is often during a lunar eclipse that we become aware of the influence of others: when the moon emits a mysterious shadow tone, it allows us to be the "real color" of people in a different light, this change of perspective is essential – even if you do not always like What you see During lunar eclipses, we are encouraged to let go of what no longer serves the soul.It's time to free oneself, to purge and say goodbye.Remember, cosmic warriors, the ends are difficult, but everything is cyclical: a climax always occurs at the edge of a beginning. "Data-reactid =" 48 "> The eclipses lun areas, one of which happens on [27juillet1945] help us understand the external implications of these changes: it is often during a lunar eclipse that we become aware of the influence Others: When the moon emits a mystical shadow tone, it allows us to be the "true color" This change of perspective is essential – even if you do not always like what you see During lunar eclipses, we are encouraged to let go of what no longer serves the soul. Remember, cosmic warriors, the ends are difficult, but everything is cyclical: a climax always occurs at the edge of a beginning.

Phases of the total lunar eclipse on a black sky, Seattle, Washington, United States [19659006] phases of a total lunar eclipse in Seattle, Washington
Getty Images "data-reactid =" 65 ">
The phases of a total lunar eclipse in Seattle, Washington
Getty Images [19659024] More
<h2 clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " What do these eclipses mean to me? "data-reactid =" 69 "> What do these eclipses mean to me?
<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "OK, while it is- what it all really means Interestingly, because this summer's eclipses occur on two different axes (Cancer-Capricorn and Leo-Aquarius, respectively) future eclipses will have different impacts on your natal chart. "Data-reactid =" 70 "> OK, so what's all this? In fact, as this summer's eclipses occur on two different axes (Cancer-Capricorn and Leo-Aquarius, respectively), future eclipses will have different impacts on your natal chart.
<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "When astrologers discuss these lunations, we we refer to how they impact a painting as an "eclipse story." These stories unfold on the eclipse series (about two years) .As a result, the partial solar eclipse in Cancer on Thursday, July 12 is a big deal because it was the first lunar month in a brand new series. the very first chapter of a new karmic history.Per detail about what's going on in your life right now: Who are the characters? What is the setting? The conflicts? Make sure to note your current circumstances because you can be sure to anticipate major pivots over the next two years. "Data-reactid =" 71 "> When astrologers discuss these lunations, we refer to the ways in which they affect a These eclipses take place on the series of eclipses (about two years) .The partial solar eclipse in Cancer on […] Thursday, July 12 is a big deal because it was the . ] first lunation in a brand new series, it's the very first chapter of a new karmic story, pay attention to what's going on in your life right now: who are the characters? Conflicts Make sure to note your current circumstances because you can be sure to anticipate some major pivots over the next two years.
It takes about nine years for the lunar nodes (which trigger eclipses) to orbit the zodiac, so the last time we lived ecli Thursday's eclipse is directly related to an eclipse that has took place on July 11, 2010. Think about this time – this could provide clues about the impact of this next series of eclipses on the Cancer-Capricorn axis.
Pay close attention to what's going on in your life right now – you can be sure to anticipate some major pivots over the next two years.
<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "On the other hand, l & # 39, lunar eclipse in Aquarius on Friday, July 27 and solar eclipse in Leo on Saturday, August 11 corresponds to the series of eclipses that began on August 18, 2016. After that there will be more than one more eclipse on this axis (on [21janvier1989] January 21, 2019 ), so this story begins to end. Past two years, the cosmic warrior? What changes have taken place in your life? Perhaps you have learned to create interpersonal boundaries, to advocate your cause in the professional sector or to discover a more understanding of your self-esteem, eclipses help us move forward, so as we prepare for these upcoming eclipses, think about ways to keep pushing towards your goals. "Data-reactid =" 75 "> On the other hand, the lunar eclipse of Aquarius on Friday, July 27 and the solar eclipse in Leo the ] Saturday, August 11 correspond to the series of eclipses that began on August 18, 2016. After these, there will be more than an eclipse on January 21, 2019 ), so this story begins to end: What happened over the past two years, cosmic warrior? What changes have occurred in your life? Perhaps you have learned to create interpersonal relationships to help you get to know yourself better in the professional sector or to discover a deeper understanding of your self-esteem. Eclipses help us move forward, as we prepare for those next eclipses, think about ways to keep moving towards your goals.
p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Everyone will be affected by these eclipses, well Some graphs will be more electrified than others Take a look at your natal chart: If your lunar nodes (these little symbols that look like horseshoes) are in Leo-Aquarius or Taurus-Scorpion, these last two years have probably been filled with spells of karmic offsets.If your lunar ganglia are in Cancer-Capricorn or Aries-Libra, fasten your belt.Starting on Thursday, July 27 the next two years are going to be wild. "By 2020, everything will be different – and do not worry, that will be for the better." Data-reactid = "76"> Everyone will be affected by these eclipses, although some cards will be electrified Take a look at your natal chart: If your lunar knots (these little symbols that look like horseshoes) are in Leo-Aquarius or Taurus-Scorpion, these last two years were probably full of lots If your lunar nodes are in Cancer-Capricorn or Aries-Libra , buckle your belt from Thursday July 27 these next two years are going to be wild. will be different – and do not worry, he will be for the better.
If your nodes are not in these signs, you are still not off the ground: the planets are also activated by the The planets with fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) will continue to be electrified by the eclipses of Leo-Aquarius, while p The cardinal signets (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will be activated by the eclipses of Cancer-Capricorn that are just beginning to manifest (https://www.allure.com/ story / zodiac-sign-personality-trait-dates).
That these upcoming eclipses directly touch your natal chart, eclipses are a powerful, powerful and meaningful period for everyone. The best way to embrace these heavenly moments? Expect the unexpected and accept the unknown. Remember, celestial darlings, although our position is limited to our current realities, we know that the horizon extends beyond our vision. Life is a journey – enjoy the ride
<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " And now, find out more about astrology: " data-reactid = "79"> And now, learn more about astrology:
<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " Now, learn the last 100 years of l & # 39; eyeliner history: "data-reactid =" 84 "> Now, learn the last 100 years of the history of eyeliner:
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