A grass fire on Dilworth Mountain deemed suspect


UPDATE: Friday at 10:09 pm

Investigators from the RCMP and the Kelowna Fire Department examined the fire scene on Mount Dilworth on Thursday.

"As a result of this review, the investigators found the fire to be suspect," said Capt. Jesse O & # 39; Donaghey

The RCMP spoke with witnesses in the area and looked for potential witnesses in nearby homes.

"The RCMP would like to remind the public to stay alert if you spot flames or smoke. take note of any suspicious persons in the immediate area, "said O. Donaghey." If you spot a person who you think might be involved, take note of his complete physical description and the vehicles to which it could be Associate. "

Police are now looking for photos or videos of the early fire to help

" Images of people and vehicles in the area at that time can also help the police identify a person of interest, "added O. Donaghey

. UPDATE 5:48 PM

Firefighters attacked the fire from about 150 feet over 100 while crossing Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery Fence and from Omineca Place

According to platoon captain Steve Roshinsky, RCMP on-scene personnel extinguished the fire within five minutes before being able to mountain

L RCMP will investigate the cause of the fire.

Original [19659002] Kelow na fast action firefighters Thursday afternoon extinguished a grbad fire on Omineca Square on Dilworth Mountain shortly after its announcement.

Kelowna firefighters responded to the report at approximately 4:40 pm It was located above the Kelowna Cemetery. It was there that the firefighters set up to fight the flames.

There was smoke escaping from the side of the hill and it was soon learned that the firefighters had managed to reverse the small fire and clean up

after hitting hard with pipes thanks to a pump in the area that they could use.

The small fire would have burned an area of ​​about 100 feet by 80 feet

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Omineca Place the fire on Dilworth Mountain. Image: Warren Henderson / Capital News

The fire of Omineca Place on Mount Dilworth. Image: Warren Henderson / Capital News

Kelowna firefighters battle a small grbad fire near Omineca Square in Kelowna. Image: Carmen Weld

Police cars at the end of Omineca Place over a grbad that set off Thursday afternoon. -Image: Sydney Morton / Capital News

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