A Loki TV Series Starring Tom Hiddleston Is Officially Happening In The Marvel Cinematic Universe


Marvel fans are in for a treat Disney's standalone streaming service, Disney +, makes its debut. Tom Hiddleston will star in a Loki TV show Avengers will have a project that's all his own.

Loki fans were quick to chime in with their excitement on Twitter, sharing their feelings about the announcement. It had been rumored before Thursday that Loki would get a standalone TV show, with Variety reporting the news in September. But Disney's announcement is the first confirmation that Hiddleston himself would be a star in the live-action series.

Disney made the announcement during the 2018 earnings. The Disney + streaming service is expected to debut towards the end of 2019, Disney noted, though it's not clear exactly when the new show would be available to stream.

Fans were quick to tweet about their excitement for the new series. Loki is a "fan-favorite" character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and fans will finally get to know more about his story. Loki first appeared in 2011's Thor, and Hiddleston has gone on The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok, and Avengers: Infinity War.

Disney announces that it will also produce another live-action Star Wars TV show for Disney +. The new show will star Diego Luna as his character Cbadian Andor from 2016's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

When Variety Loki TV show back in September, the output of Disney's TV show about Elizabeth Olsen's Avengers character, Scarlet Witch. Disney's announcement on Thursday, though, did not mention the Scarlet Witch reports, focusing on Loki and Cbadian Andor. Disney's announcement did not mention how many episodes each show will have. Goal Variety's September report suggests that the Loki series, along with the rumored Scarlet Witch series, would be between six and eight episodes.

Considering how much fandom there is for Loki's Thor's brother, it's no surprise that Disney would choose to focus on Hiddleston's character for a standalone TV show. Back in 2015, Bustle argued that Loki deserved his own Marvel movie. And since that did not seem to be on the horizon, a TV series will give fans the Loki-focused storyline they've been asking for.

in Avengers: Infinity War, Loki died at Thanos, but some fans believe Loki may have survived. As the fan theory goes, Loki used to be against Thanos, Digital Spy explains. Loki did the same thing in Thor: The Dark World, which he loves to believe that, with that time, he may have faked his own death.

Loki's life would be covered by the new show, or who will be Hiddleston's costars will be. Could Thor be guest star on the upcoming Disney + series? It may be a long shot, but hopefully at least a few other familiar faces from the MCU will be featured in the new show.

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