
Winnipeg Police Spokesperson, Const. Tammy Skrabek
A 58-year-old man drowned Monday night after trying to rescue a family dog who had been walking in a pond south of Winnipeg.
At approximately 9:30 pm, emergency services were called to King & 's Park near the University of Manitoba as a result of reports of three people in the water [19659003PolicesaidTuesdaythatwhentheWinnipegparamedicfirecrewarrivedthethreepeoplewereoutofthewaterWitnessestestifiedthattwomenreleasedathirdmanfromthewaterwhowashavingdifficultybreathingandwhowasunconsciousTwowitnessesadministeredcardiopulmonaryresuscitation(CPR)atthescenethepolicesaid
"The two men who entered the water entered on their side," police spokesman Const. Tammy Skrabek. "They heard another woman asking for help and they came in and they helped her."
Two men were taken to the hospital, including the victim of drowning in critical condition. The third man was treated at the scene and did not require immediate medical attention. The drowning victim was declared dead at the hospital. The second man was looked after and released.
Police believe that the drowning victim was walking with family members and their pets and that their dog entered the water and had difficulty swimming. He went in the water to save the animal and got entangled in very thick reeds and soft mud under the extremely deep water where in some parts you could not touch the bottom.
Police said the rescuers were not known. one to the other. The dog has not been located yet.
The medical examiner determined that it was an accidental drowning.
Skrabek said that this tragic event should serve as a warning to avoid similar retention basins or small lakes. off or have warning signs as was the case at King's Park
gdawkins @ postmedia.com
Twitter: @ SunGlenDawkins
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