A mysterious white cloud on the surface of Mars intrigues scientists


Scientists follow a strange white cloud that appeared on the surface of Mars.

The gigantic cloud is about 1500 km long and is located near the equator of the planet, near the Arsia Mons volcano.

There has been no active volcano on Mars for half a century, so ESA scientists are pretty sure it does not involve volcanic eruptions.

"Despite its location, this atmospheric feature is not related to volcanic activity, but rather to a cloud of water ice driven by the influence of the leeward slope of the volcano on the airflow – this that scientists call an orographic cloud or phenomenon in this region, "explained the European Space Agency (ESA) who called the cloud" curious ".

The mysterious white cloud on Mars (Image: ESA)
ESA's Mars Express high-resolution stereo camera visualizes cloud formation (Image: ESA / DLR / FU Berlin)

The cloud has changed and developed throughout the Martian day. It is now big enough to see from telescopes on Earth.

"The formation of water ice clouds is sensitive to the amount of dust present in the atmosphere," explained ESA, which was monitoring the cloud with the infrared mineralogical spectrometer ( OMEGA) and high resolution stereoscopic camera (HRSC) on Mars Express spacecraft.

Scientists are currently following the cloud (Image: ESA / GCP / UPV / EHU Bilbao)

Naturally, some corners of the Internet believe that there may be some kind of volcanic eruption at the origin of the cloud.

This conspiracy theory was quickly abolished by scientists.

Space agencies will study these images, obtained after the big dust storm that invaded Mars in June and July, to gather important information on the effect of dust on cloud development and its variability throughout the world. 'year.

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