A new cultural center opens in Vancouver's Chinatown


VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – It took more than two years, but the opening of the Sun Wah Center on Keefer Street in Chinatown is good news for locals.

The space has 55 affordable spaces that can be used

Mayor Gregor Robertson attended the opening, and says it's a step toward a more city inclusive.

"Racism and discrimination are over in this city, it's all about inclusion, valuing each other and celebrating the culture of the other," he says. "This building, I think, will be an extraordinary part of the renaissance of Chinatown and the advancement of Vancouver as an incredible cultural center."

The new center calls it a crossroads of the arts and of culture, which will allow

"Everything you can imagine in terms of arts and culture here in Chinatown, with roots in indigenous culture, but all the other cultures you can think of in Vancouver are probably here, creating some interesting things "adds Robertson

Horgan says that the new Sun Wah Center is a reality thanks to the cooperation of all levels of government.Says this space will be a hub for arts and culture in Vancouver. @ NEWS113 0 pic.twitter.com/3fhAOXKyNR

– Taran Parmar (@Tarankparmar) July 29, 2018

The center was opened with funding of $ 3.5 million to all levels

"When everyone gets together, working together for a common purpose, we always get better results," says Prime Minister John Horgan who was also at the inauguration.

"When it comes to ensuring that the heart of Vancouver can be a thriving part of our arts and culture community, I believe BC Artscape [Sun Wah Centre] will be the perfect place to occupy the people who do not have everything – they are full of money and creativity, they come together to express this creativity here and for the greater good of Vancouver and British Columbia. "

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