Coming May 11, 2019.
A brief look at a more depressed detective, Pikachu.
Only Detective Manager Pikachu can understand his voice (Ryan Reynolds). Everyone just hears a "Pika, Pika!" yell.
I have some real ones Howard the duck vibes of this Psyduck CGI there.
Jigglypuff, seen here, flexing his powers "to lull people".
Pokemon type grbad walking in the water? What cool hell is this?
Coming soon "summer 2019."
This very very vague trailer starts with old favorites in a happy and rotating circle …
… until a new character appears shouting: "I'm not a toy!"
It's at this point that everything is getting worse (and, of course, Mr. Potato Head's pieces are flying everywhere).
November 22, 2018
Six terrible movies … in a row.
Jonas does his best to comfort Crow.
Patton Oswalt and Felicia Day revel in the torture session they concocted.
The gang pours one.
Three film and television studios have decided to publish their latest trailers on Monday online, instead of sharing their love for the week. Only each trailer intrigues, but their combined power gives us a glimpse of the future of three world premieres.
The highlight of this year's Veterans Day trailer explosion is Detective Pikachu, a live-action (and resolutely Western) takes again the strange video game of the same name. This title means a few things. First of all, like the game, this fork of the Pokemon universe seems to exist apart from the game and anime entries of the collect – & # 39; em-all series. This means that there is no sign of familiar human characters like Ash, Daisy, Brock or Team Rocket.
Second, the film focuses on a special version of Pikachu that speaks the same language as humans but can only be heard by his best friend … and they badociate to solve mysteries. In this case, the mystery seems to revolve around the missing father of a young boy – and how his disappearance has kept the boy away from a life as a coach of Pokémon.
Official Detective Pikachu trailer
As you can see in the gallery and the trailer above, the movie exists in a world filled with Pokémon, which means that Nintendo sees for the first time a significant attempt to badociate real actors and Pokemon creatures to look "realistic". Pikachu, in particular, looks like a fluffy stuffed animal, while other popular Pokemon characters have their own unexpected CGI keys. (The plasticky look of Psyduck, for example, is reminiscent of George Lucas' 80s look Howard the duck puppets.)
Between this cognitive dissonance and the sound of Ryan Reynolds' voice coming out of Pikachu, it's fair to say that Detective Pikachu is going to be, at the very least, a weeeeird movie. He debuted on May 11, 2019.
Official Toy Story 4 Trailer
Disney-Pixar has launched its own revelation trailer filled with CGI Toy Story 4 Monday also, although it offers virtually no land. The familiar characters of Toy Story TL; DR: laughs and plays in slow motion until the appearance of a new character. It's a talking conversation, and this new member of the team yells, "I'm not a toy!" thus sending the fun part in all its states.
Maybe we only have one player who does not play, or maybe something strange is going on in Andy's world that makes other things wake up when people are not there. We will have to wait for a more vague window on "the summer of 2019" to find out.
Official MST3K: The Gauntlet trailer
The last to the role is Mysterious Science Theater 3000, whose second season Netflix had already been announced a few months ago. Until then, we knew that the show would contain the same cast of comedians (Jonah Ray, Felicia Day, Patton Oswalt) and voice-activated robots and that this second season would run on Thanksgiving day with six movies .
Now, we know which films will be on offer, including the famous atrocious Mac and me and the modern "mockbuster" trash fire that is On the edge of the Atlantic. In addition, all movies will be presented with a gimmick "look them aligned" in the universe of the series. Since the series is entirely devoted to the torture of Jonah and his robot friends, we are happy to see the show build on Netflix's reputation as "binging" as a way of relieving pain.
Announcement image of Warner Bros.
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