The first calf born in three years of endangered orcas who spend time in the waters of the Pacific Northwest died Tuesday, the latest disturbing sign of a population already at its lowest for more three decades. She was pushed back to the surface by her mother about half an hour after being spotted alive, said Ken Balcomb, senior scientist at the Center for Whale Research on the island of San Juan, who closely follows the whales [19659002]. He said on his forehead and trying to keep it near the surface of the water in the waters off the coast of Victoria, British Columbia,
"The baby was so new that it was so bad. he had no fat, he continued to sink, and the mother would rise to the surface, "he said Wednesday.
Death represents another reproductive failure for southern resident killer whales who eat salmon and end up in the waters of Puget Sound from spring to autumn.
The distinctive black and white orcs have struggled since they were listed as an endangered species in the United States and Canada more than 10 years ago, they do not consume enough large fat chinook salmon that make up their main diet, and they also face cross-threats from toxic pollution and noise and disturbance. of boats.
WATCH: (Released April 25, 201 8): Whale watching companies say that the shocking video of yesterday shows a boat running on a gray whale in Puget Sound. a continuous problem, which killed a number of whales.
Female killer whales have had pregnancy problems due to nutritional stress related to lack of salmon. A multi-year study conducted last year by the University of Washington and other researchers found that two-thirds of killer whale pregnancies had failed between 2007 and 2014.
About half of the 11 calves born during a baby boom celebrated many years ago
"On average, we are expecting a few calves born each year.The fact that we have not seen it for several years and that we then having reproductive failure is further evidence that we have a serious problem of reproductive viability in the population, "said Brad Hanson, wildlife biologist with the Northwest Fisheries Science Center Seattle

J35 still pushes his dead calf 24 hours after his death Photo of Ken Balcomb, Whale Research Center

J35 pushing his calf.
Photo of Dave Ellifrit, Whale Research Center
Let's add to the health concerns of a four-year-old orc known as J-50.
Hanson said that she looked thin and "clearly emaciated" observed from a Saturday boat near San Juan Island during the collection of samples. Breath of the whale.
The breath droplets will be badyzed for possible pathogens. It may be that the animal is starving, or that other pathological processes are preventing them from eating, said Hanson.
Another researcher, Deborah Giles, who was studying whales, had alerted Hanson about a nauseating odor. the breath of orca, an odor detected on other orcas who died later. But the whale did not smell as bad Saturday
You could see the shape of his skull through his fat, "said Giles, a biologist at the UW Center for the Conservation of Biology.
I n? have never seen an animal this emaciated does it.But I hope it will bounce back. "
WATCH OUT: (Released June 22, 2018) The Federal Government has tabled a new plan to protect whales on Canadian coasts. As reported by Jennifer Palma, the new regulations will have an impact on fishing and shipping traffic.
Several groups said Wednesday that the loss of the calf underscored the need for swift action.
Jay Inslee signed a decree in March. state agencies to take immediate action to help orcs.
A state-wide task force that he has formed has been meeting since May to make recommendations. A report is due later this year.
Since then, an adult male orc has disappeared in June and is presumed dead. There are more than 75, compared to 98 in 1995.
"The death of the killer whale is a heartbreaking reminder of the urgency of saving these iconic animals," wrote the door. of Governor Jaime Smith in an email.
The working group examines a range of efforts, ranging from increasing salmon production at the hatchery, to the formation of private boats to respond to oil spills. and prioritizing areas where important habitat can be restored. More energetic measures are needed.
They requested the removal of four dams in the Lower Snake River to restore salmon run-off. "We need to address the issue of salmon restoration, especially wild salmon," said Balcomb
. Orcs are different from other killer whales because they eat salmon rather than marine mammals. Individual whales are also identified by unique marks or variations in their fin shapes, and each whale receives a number and a name. Their movements are closely monitored and photographed by researchers, whale watchers and fans.
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