A small house needs a big decision in Pouch Cove | Regional | New


Jess Puddister and Tim Ward say they're just trying to find a way to live and work in rural Newfoundland and Labrador in their tiny 360-square-foot house

. The town council must have its small house located in the small town on the northeastern tip of northeastern Avalon, but the local town council is not yet convinced that the small house will be incorporated.

Part of the reason just like the house is small. The minimum size of a dwelling in the municipal plan of Pouch Cove is 840 square feet, but the house is less than half that area.

But Puddister says she is concerned that there is more than just a simple by-law in play.

I think it's related to stigma which surrounds small houses and the value we place on our society as a society in our demonstration of material wealth, "she said

. go down. I do not see the evidence in that. When you plan to perform an badessment on a house, this would be compared to other houses of similar size. "

That said, Puddister says the council was good to work with." On Monday night, the council proposed to postpone the decision on the application for two weeks to allow residents to give their opinion on the application. 19659002] Pouch Cove City Council Chairman Greg King says he's personally supporting the concept, but the city needs to do more research before deciding whether it will be the first northeastern city of Avalon to Explicitly opening the way to tiny homes.

"It's new to us." It's a new application that expands to several municipal bylaws.We need to do a little more research, due diligence, before refusing or accepting the application for a small house, "said King.

" This may not meet the intent of the discretionary use. We must make sure with our lawyers and planners that we are allowed to do it, or we have to change the plan of the city. "

There is also the question of setting a precedent." Earlier this year, the city of Torbay pointed out a similar settlement that would prevent Puddister and Ward's little house from getting into that city.

King Needs not create a flawed precedent in Pouch Cove, which could trigger other cities

King claims that a precedent of the city of St. John's, for example, would make the council's decision from Pouch Cove much easier

"If we already had a document He said," That's why we're going from the front "or" That's why we're not going forward " that would help us a lot, "he said.

" I'm dealing with people who are working … Today, I get them for a few hours a week. "I'm afraid that we were missing something. "

Neither St. John's nor Mount Pearl have a minimum size bylaw

Earlier this year, the Town of Stephenville approved a subdivision of 13 lots

Puddister, a geologist, and Ward, a journeyman welder, began building their homes in 2014.

at that time, the partially completed house sat on the Kinsella farm in Bauline while its owners are looking for a home for their home. Pouch Cove is the community of choice, in part because of the more affordable prices of land that elsewhere on Avalon.

They say that they could easily afford a bigger house, but have made the choice to live in a tiny house.

According to the couple estimates, once the land sale, labor costs and the water and sewer connections taken into account, the total cost of the Installation in their small house could be $ 125,000

. small house is affordability. Puddister believes that once the go-ahead is given for their home, they could be debt-free in five years, rather than being tied to a 30-year mortgage on a more traditional lifestyle.

for Puddister and Ward: Muskrat Falls

"I've talked to so many people who live in modest two-story homes or in bungalows that are afraid of dying." They do not know what's going on. "They want to be proactive." We want to take our future, our spending power and make the right choices to live within our means so we can stay here in Newfoundland. and Labrador. "

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