A strong bareback ride propels Jake Vold into controversy


Jake Vold did not know what to expect as the third day of action neared the Calgary Stampede rodeo.

After finishing the money Friday in Pool B of the bareback competition, Vold was looking to build on his The 31 year old cowboy of Airdrie did exactly the same thing by scoring 88 points on Welcome Delivery to win the best prize of $ 5,500 for a new bronze statue. [19659002"Jedevaisfairequelquechose-c'estexactementcedontj'avaisbesoin"adéclaréVoldquisavaitqu'ilavaitundéfidevantluipouravoirunesolidepromenadeàborddeWelcomeDelivery'J'avaisbesoind'essayerd'aidercechevalSurlepapierilestprobablementl'undesplusfaiblesJ'aijustecontinuéàessayerdepenser"Jepeuxlefaireaujourd'huisurluiÇavamarcher"

"Maybe I should not have dreamed so much, he gave me a handful, he was great, I'm glad everything worked out."

In fact, the performance Vold was judged as the race of the day in front of the near-capacity crowd in the Stampede Tribune.

"He usually takes a few scoot jumps and kicks, and so I pulled a loose rig just to try to help him," Vold said. "Man, did he come out taking off and looping, and I had my hands full and just kept scrambling." Everything went well, I guess, in the end I did not really know what was going to happen. "

On the eve of the last day of action in Pool A, Vold is tied in the overall standings with Clint Laye, of Cadogan, Alta., And Richie Champion, of Dublin, Texas, at $ 10,000 in winnings

This is not a bad performance for the veteran bareback who suffered a scary injury in December on the eighth day of the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo at Las Vegas.

WNFR average when Redigo, the horse that he was going to ride, fell against the fall. Vold suffered a serious knee injury and finally underwent surgery just before Christmas to remove a flea. bone and replace its medial patellofemoral ligament with a donor ligament before starting physiotherapy in to get back into shape and get back into competition.

"said Vold, who finished second behind Champion at the Ponoka Stampede earlier this season. "When you take five, six months off, you just lose a little reaction.You're just trying to understand it again."

"That's the thing about this level, you sort of sort of with the wolves. You try to win. You try to do everything. You try too hard, that's all it boils down to, but I'll understand it. Everything is instinct. It's kind of something that I missed a bit. He returns however.

Vold's off-season was not bad, as he and his wife, Sara, welcomed their new baby daughter, Kenzie.

Now, the triple Canadian bareback champion He would like nothing more than to add his first Calgary Stampede title to his resume.

"That's what everyone wants," he said. "This has been one of my main goals since I started riding bareback horses – it's just something about Calgary. One of the Seven Wonders of the World

"I've been here a lot. I love this place. I love being here, and hope it is a year for me. We will see. "

It remains to be seen whether he can reach his goal this year, but Vold will not let his injury slow him down.

" I'm just making a few equipment changes here these past two weeks, " said Vold, who now wears a splint on his knee. "I'm trying to regain my groove. I am still not where I need to be wise. I still feel bad in the spots, but I will get it back.

"The painful spots have never been painful.You have just lost scar tissue and muscle buildup and some things that are really hard to rebuild from regular workouts and other things, but it happens. "

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