Australians on social networks are now calling for a boycott of his tour, scheduled to begin August 23 with a performance at Hisense Arena in Melbourne.
Noah can be seen making fun of Aboriginal women in the video, which was first shared Australian photographer Bobongie LaVonne
"All women of all races can be beautiful," said L & # 39; Daily Show Host
"And I know some of you are sitting there now," Oh Trevor .. I've never seen a beautiful aboriginal person ". But you know what you say? You say: "Yet" because you have not seen them all, is not it? "

"Plus, it's not always a question of look, maybe Aboriginal women are doing special things, maybe they'll like, jump on it," he says. before making a suggestive gesture.
The video has now been removed and Noah wrote on his Twitter account to make sure he's no longer promoted online.
Several notable indigenous Australians criticized Noah for her insensitive joke and reinforce a stereotype that aboriginal women are ugly.
Australian academic Anita Heiss said that she was "dismayed and disgusted by the comments" and that she hoped the Australians would boycott her shows in Australia.
A Twitter user called Noah to "make a formal apology even before you walk on our land."
"Hey @Trevornoah, your comments about Aboriginal @IndigenousX in this clip are As a man of color, you are generally subject to racism and division – here you commit and encourage violence Williams wrote on Twitter
Noah responded by admitting that his joke was inappropriate and said he was no longer making such jokes.
"@ joewilliams_tew you're right," he replied to Williams
"After visiting the Bunjilaka Museum in Australia and learning about Aboriginal history first-hand, I vowed never to joke like that again, and I will not promote it. Noting that the video had been removed, Williams said that he was waiting to see if Noah "would let me take him into the community for cultural awareness and apologize to our dedicated and admirably caring women," he added. wrote on Twitter
Noah replied that he would visit the aboriginal community, writing that he was open to learning.
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