According to a conservative consultant, Andrew Scheer should have immediately sent Tony Clement back to caucus


Conservative leader Andrew Scheer should not have taken Tony Clement to the word telling him that he would have been involved only in one inappropriate online exchange, said a prominent conservative political consultant.

Alise Mills, communications strategist and senior partner at Susbad Strategy, said Friday that it made her very angry to think that it was still credible that Clément had not crossed the front line more than once. , online or in person. Conservative party members knew Clément would go to women's social media pages much more than other politicians, registering "likes" of their photos and sending them messages, she said.

"How, in your opinion, are we stupid?" Mills said in an interview with The Canadian Press, adding that the Conservatives should have expelled Clement from the Conservative caucus.

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On Tuesday night, Clement resigned from his position as critic of the Justice Party and his role on the committee after revealing that he had shared badually explicit images with someone who wanted to extort him from drugs.

At the beginning, Conservative leader Andrew Scheer did not ask him to leave the caucus. Scheer said that he believed Clément had kept his word that "the terrible mistake of judgment" had been a one-off thing between two consenting adults – and that Clément was finally the victim.

But later Wednesday, Scheer said new information became available to suggest that the allegation did not represent an isolated incident.

Mills told a Sirius XM radio program on Friday that she had ended her own friendship with the former Conservative MP and cabinet minister after feeling that her behavior towards her was exceeding the limits. But she did not detail the details.

Clement's lawyer, Joseph Neuberger, denied any inappropriate behavior.

"We are puzzled as to what Ms. Mills considers inappropriate because all of the contact between Mr. Clement and Ms. Mills was only professional," Neuberger said in an e-mail.

On Thursday, Clement sent an open letter to his Ontario constituents in which he apologized to anyone who felt they had crossed the "online borders" in a way that made them feel uncomfortable, even without his knowledge. .

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Mills also said that the problems on Parliament Hill go far beyond a politician.

"There are a lot of others on the hill," she told the show. "It does not matter if they are NDP, Liberal or Conservative."

The women on Parliament Hill are systematically and systematically harbaded by politicians of all stripes, she said, and share the feeling that their parties have broken their trust.

"To know that it's not just outside (where) you have to worry about wolves, but from the inside out? And they allow that? "She says. "There is nothing more heartbreaking … This leads you to ask," Am I crazy? "

Mills called on parties to look more closely at their potential candidates.

"They need to understand what types of people are attracted to politics and public life," she said. "This world attracts some of the worst and we have to be on our guard … the people there are supposed to be some of the best in Canada."

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