According to the prosecutor, not enough evidence to indict Sylvester Stallone after the allegation of sexual assault


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By Reuters

LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Attorney's Office ruled that there was not enough evidence to prosecute "Rocky" actor Sylvester Stallone on charges that he allegedly badaulted him badually a woman in 1987 and 1990, according to an agency document released Tuesday.

The allegations of a woman in Santa Monica, California, also do not fall under the statute of limitations, officials said in an badessment sheet of the district prosecutor's office charges as seen by Reuters. The document stated that the victim, whose name had been blackened, indicated that she and Stallone had a consensual relationship in 1987. The complainant's name was never made public.

The victim claimed that Stallone then badually badaulted her in 1987 and 1990 and provided witnesses, according to the document. "However, none of the new witnesses to the complaint corroborated the victim's allegations," the document says. "An additional survey did not provide any other corroboration."

The complaint was filed in November 2017 and Stallone has always denied the charges.

"Mr. Stallone has always challenged the charges," said Stallone representative Bega.

The 72-year-old actor enjoyed a meteoric rise in 1976 with his boxing film "Rocky", which earned him an Oscar. He later became one of the biggest stars of Hollywood action thanks to the "Rambo" and "Rocky" franchises.

California has a complex limitation period for criminal prosecution for badual abuse, but the offenses must generally be prosecuted within 10 years.

Hollywood has been the victim, over the last eight months, of badual badault charges against dozens of actors, directors and filmmakers, forcing many personalities to be abandoned or abandoned to projects Creation.

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