Acid attack on a three-year-old boy in an act of "pure evil" | UK | New


  Acid attack suspects Worcester Home Bargains

Two policemen want to talk with (Image: NC)

While detectives launch a hunt for suspects, politicians clamor More severe penalties for thugs

The horrific incident occurred Saturday at 2:15 pm in a store called Home Bargains in Worcester, in the heart of Middle England.

The boy was in a buggy when the harmful substance his clueless family fears to be marked for life.

Marc Bayliss, the head of the stunned Conservative city council, said, "Worcester is not that kind of place.

"We are a quintessential small English town. I have never heard of an acid attack in Worcester, so this is absolutely not something we have experience with.

"We are a very safe city We are one of the safest places in England."

It's horrible to think that something like this could happen to a little boy in the middle of a shop on a Saturday afternoon.

Rachel Bryant

A 22-year-old Rachel Bryant witness said, "I was shopping with my mother"

"I saw a woman crying and being comforted by the police, but I did not know what it was about. I guess the woman I saw could have been her mother or her relative, it's horrible to think that something like this could happen to a little boy in the middle of a shop on a Saturday afternoon. . "

Dean Carey, 22, deputy store manager, said: The incident happened but now we moved on."

The regional director of the store, who does not did not want to be named, added: "We put the health and safety of our staff and our clients first and foremost, the police are still investigating and, in our case, Home Bargains is helping with police investigations."

Home Bargains spokesperson said: "We are thinking about this young child and his family in this very difficult time."

  Worcester attacking three-year-old boy

Police released CCTV of three suspects (Image: NC)

Last night, Chief Superintendent Mark Travis said, "A family was shopping and a young three-year-old was in a stroller and it would appear that some form of stuff has" As a result, the child was burned, the staff and emergency services helped the family at the scene and the child was taken to a local hospital, where he was transported. they were treated for burns.

The child was injured in the face and arms. The child was with members of his family, he was well cared for and stayed with his family until the hospital.

"He has burns on his face and on one of his arms – for the moment we are not sure of the long-term consequences of these burns, but we hope that they will not be life-altering injuries.

"Right now, we are treating this as a deliberate attack on a three-year-old boy."

"The incident will rightly shock the local community and I would like to rebadure the local population that we are conducting a thorough investigation to identify the perpetrators.

" At the moment, the motive for the attack is not clear. The agents work hard to establish exactly what happened and the substance involved.

"The three men in the photo may have vital information for our investigation.I am sure that someone will recognize them and I would invite anyone with information to contact us urgently." [19659025] million. Travis used social media to reiterate the call written on Twitter: "A really nasty crime."

"These men are very distinctive.

"If you know them, let us know."

The detectives hate video surveillance of the area between the Home Bargains in Shrub Hill Business Park, Tallow Hill and downtown Worcester.

Robin Walker, Conservative MP for Worcester, said: "The shock will be universal."

To carry out such an attack on a small child is simply appalling.

"This is a question to which there has been much concern in Parliament and a move to toughen penalties for any attack on the acid


The most dangerous residential streets in the United Kingdom

Tue, 21 March 2017

The most criminalized residential streets in the United Kingdom have been revealed by Hopewiser. Here are the results of the data compiled over a six-month period

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The Most Dangerous Residential Streets in the United Kingdom

"At this point, the key thing is that the police act quickly and see if it can track down what is happening. aggressor and understand what is behind, because it's an unthinkable thing to happen. "

Last night, the boy was back home with his family after he left the hospital .

He is one of the youngest victims of acid in Britain. The youngest was a two-year-old boy who was attacked in London last year

A 39-year-old man from Wolverhampton was arrested because he was suspected of conspiring to commit lesions serious bodily injuries and remains in custody. Earlier this year, acid was clbadified as "dangerous pon" by the Sentencing Council following a series of attacks.

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