
Bacteria that have been transported into space to study in the space laboratory of the International Space Station (ISS) could pose risks to life on Earth, they have survived extreme conditions and have been mutated.The results of a Russia-led ISS experiment, dubbed "BioRisk", show that a number of microorganisms taken from Earth have been able to survive in space, including Bacteria found in the outer surfaces.Bacteria not only survived, but they actually thrived, which made believe that there were exotic bacteria on the ISS last year.
The BioRisk program was launched in 2005 in Bor d from the Russian ISS laboratory. types of organisms, including bacteria, vertebrae The bacteria that survived showed high levels of aggression as well as antibiotic resistance when they were brought back to Earth, says a scientist involved in l & # 39; study. A report on this discovery was prepared for the International Space Research Committee in the United States in July of the following year.
Apart from microorganisms, the eggs of some crustaceans, as well as African caviar, survived the trip. in outer space for two and a half years. "Living organisms are able to survive in space, but in the distant future, the arrival of foreign substances from other planets on Earth might be possible. "In addition, the danger is posed by terrestrial microorganisms that have returned from space after visiting another planet and have transformed themselves in an unknown way into its atmosphere," he added. The report recommends that measures be taken on Earth to contain such microorganisms and other life forms, according to Russian scientists.
The results of this "BioRisk" experiment are of scientific interest, but more importantly, is another reason why a global quarantine strategy is vital. Last week, there was a call to create something similar to the Prime Directive for future space exploration that would protect the places that humans visit as well as the Earth's incoming life.
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