
It is the new moon in conjunction with the planet Venus, and the silhouette of the hill that we call the " servant with flowing hair "The hill is behind Vernon Lookout on the old road. 97 seen from the other side of Kalamalka Lake. (Martin Impey / Special at Morning Star)
Amazing view in the night sky of Okanagan
Martin Impey, a resident of Vernon, caputure the new moon in conjunction with the planet Venus
Sunday night provided the ultimate experience of the night sky, thanks to the moon in its growing crescent phase.
A growing crescent is the first phase after the new moon and is a good time to see the characteristics of the lunar surface.
In this photo, Martin Impey, we see the new moon in conjunction with the planet Venus, and the silhouette of the hill we call the "maid with floating hair."
The hill is behind the Vernon Lookout on Old Hwy. 97 seen from the other side of Kalamalka Lake.
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