Amy Schumer has announced that she is pregnant with her first child.
The actor and comedian posted a picture on Instagram showing his chefs and her husband, chef Chris Fischer, about the bodies of the Duke and Duchess of Susbad, who is also expecting a child.
The photos were accompanied by a message addressing fans to journalist Jessica Yellin's page, where Schumer had stated that she was about to "announce exciting news" and that Yellin had " agreed to publish a little noise today "on his behalf.
Schumer's friend, Yellin, of NewsNotNoise.org, said in a video on his own Instagram page: "I wanted to share news from our community, maybe it's noise, but some happy noise."
"So I'm not making any voting recommendations, but those are Amy Schumer's recommendations," she said.
"Now, read all the way down, you'll see that there's news out there." Congratulations, Amy.
She then shared a screenshot of a list of voting recommendations for the upcoming mid-term elections in the United States. At the bottom of the list was a note from Schumer saying "I'm pregnant." Schumer then shared a screenshot of Yellin's Instagram post on his Twitter feed.
Amy Schumer
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