An assault on a Muslim man in Mississauga may be motivated by hatred, police say


The Canadian Press

Published Wednesday, July 18, 2018 12:08 PM EDT

Last Updated on Wednesday 18 July 2018 14:41 EDT

TORONTO – An attack in southern Ontario that sent a Muslim to the hospital appears to have been motivated by hatred, police said Wednesday while a defense group Muslim denounced the incident as "hateful and cowardly". Police said they were called to investigate a fight in Mississauga, Ontario, around 9 pm. Two men, aged 27 and 19, were charged with badault in the incident.

Investigators initially thought the attack was related to road rage, but on Wednesday they said that they now think the incident was motivated by "hatred or the bias. "

Sana Khwaja, who helps organize a fundraising campaign for the attacked man, identified him as Muhammed Abu Marzouk and stated that he had undergone several surgeries.

Abu Marzouk had a picnic with his family – including his two daughters, aged six and four – while he was recoiling his car and narrowly avoiding hitting two men, Khwaja said. He got out of the car to see if all was well, Khwaja said the two men would have started beating Abu Marzouk. She added that witnesses said the men allegedly shouted racist slurs in Abu Marzouk.

"They insulted him, they called him names on his ethnicity," said Mr. Khwaja. "His wife came out, and his brother also came to try to stop them from hurting him further."

Abu Marzouk woke up and was able to talk to his parents, said Khwaja, noting that it could take several months for him to recover from his injuries which she said include multiple fractures and cerebral hemorrhage.

"He's just a typical Canadian," she said. "He's having fun with his family."

"No one expects this to happen to them, and it's tragic."

The incident attracted Of various Muslim groups, including the National Council of Canadian Muslims.

"We are extremely appalled by this horrific badault and our thoughts and prayers are with the victim, his family and the local Muslim community," Ihsaan Gardee, executive director of the council, said in a statement. hateful and cowardly acts are hateful to all Canadians.

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