An Edmonton concert tells a woman that she can not kiss a friend


An Edmonton woman said she was speechless after a bailiff at a local concert venue told her that she was not allowed to kiss another woman.

Allyson MacIvor says she leaned over to kiss a friend during the final encore at Jack White's concert at Rogers Place on Friday night.

"We were immediately stopped by the bailiff who said," I'm sorry, this is not allowed here, "MacIvor told CTV Edmonton.

"I thought," Excuse me, what do you mean? "" MacIvor added. "She says" it's not allowed here, it's inappropriate, if you have a problem, you can talk to my manager. "

Shocked, they went to see the manager, who, according to MacIvor, was very sorry.

Nevertheless, she felt "raped and hurt", so she filled in an incident report and decided to share her experience on Facebook.

It was shocking to learn "that we are still living in a world where I have to watch over my back as a" gay "woman and, apparently, I still have to watch who I kiss, even at Rogers Place, "wrote MacIvor in his message. , which has been shared more than 400 times.

Oilers Entertainment Group contacted MacIvor Sunday to apologize and invited her to a free concert of her choice. MacIvor said she would like to attend the Fleetwood Mac concert this weekend and hoped to receive the guest as a guest.

Tim Shipton, Senior Vice President of Oilers Entertainment Group, said this would not be appropriate as they continue to investigate the incident.

He added that there is a zero tolerance policy for any type of discrimination.

"The bottom line is, in this case, the staff member was in error," Shipton said.

Shipton said he hoped to involve MacIvor in future awareness training. MacIvor said she was open to this idea.

MacIvor also stated that she hoped the bailiff would not be fired, but that she would get the "support" she needed from her employer.

With a report by Sarah Plowman of CTV Edmonton

I toast and raise my cup of coffee. Last night was a reminder, as I went home speechless, confused and …

Posted by Allyson MacIvor on Saturday, November 3, 2018

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