
Casey Delaney, 26, of Ottawa, remains in an induced coma on the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus after being struck by a PWC on the Gatineau River on Canada Day .
Facebook / OTTwp [19659003] A man from Orleans was arrested Wednesday as part of a PWC collision on Canada Day that left a teacher of in a critical state.
The 43-year-old man that the Sûreté du Québec will not appoint While waiting for a court appearance Thursday is accused of dangerous driving, hit and run and criminal negligence causing bodily harm in the United States. incident of the Gatineau River.
Casey Delaney, 26, underwent brain surgery and was in a coma induced at the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus after being struck by the boat while she was in the hospital. she was sunbathing on an inflatable raft near Patry Island, about 25 kilometers south of Maniwaki
. He was killed and caught in the act, but the police found and seized two boats alleged to have been involved in the incident near Bouchette shortly after the incident.
Delaney, who teaches kindergarten at St. Bernard School in Gloucester, suffered a skull fracture, trauma to the brain and internal bleeding. Her boyfriend Scott Labrosse, a former lifeguard, did CPR
"She's really the strongest person I know and … if anyone can get through that, it's she, "said Kristin, Casey's sister. 19659010]
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