Android Dev Summit: Google details improvements to Kotlin, Jetpack and instant applications


Google launched its top Android developer summit at Mountain View this week with great success, and support for foldable devices has only scratched the surface. The company announced that many new Kotlin 1.3 features were now natively supported, and provided updates for Jetpack, Android Studio, instant apps, and more.

Kotlin 1.3

Kotlin, a statically typed programming language of JetBrains, runs first on the Java virtual machine. The latest version – 1.3 – came out last week and brings a host of features:

  • Online course allow you to create a type that is not allocated unless it is framed.
  • Unsigned numbers are now part of the standard Kotlin library, including UInt, UByte and ULong. These new types are built using online clbades.
  • Multi platform The code previously written for Android or the Java virtual machine can now also target Javascript or native.
  • coroutines the support is now stable.

All of these have been incorporated into Kotlin's specific Android APIs, Google said.

Jetpack and Android X

Google has revealed that Jetpack, a suite of tools and APIs designed to "accelerate" the development of Android applications to Google I / O 2018 in May, took off like a rocket (no pun intended) over the months who followed. Today, 80% of the 1,000 most popular apps and games have adopted it, according to Google. And this week, the company has detailed two new architectural component libraries that promise to make it even more appealing: Navigation, Work Manager and Slice.

Navigation and Work Manager, both launched in beta this month, offer a streamlined way to implement the principle of Android navigation with animated transitions, to create and edit feeds. navigation and perform background tasks in the most efficient way possible, depending on the states of the applications. device API level and other factors.

Android Jetpack

Android Slots, on the other hand, have been unveiled at Google I / O and are being shown this week to public search experiments, showing snippets of mini-apps containing content and actions, such as playing a video or booking of a flight. Doist and Kayak, among others, are among the first partners.

Android Studio 3.3 beta 3

Android Studio, the official Google IDE for Android development, had a bit of love during the first talk of the development conference. Android Studio 3.3 beta 3 is launched today and is focused on stability – especially "impacting the user" bugs. Frequency of blockages, blockages and memory usage has been reduced, and Google has stated that it will build tools that "will help [developers] easily understand "what slows the construction of an application.

Also announced: next support for Chrome OS.

Instant applications

Android Instant Apps

Finally, Google has revealed future improvements for instant applications. In Android Studio 3.3, developers can deploy and create instant apps and apps installed from a single Android Studio project, and include them in a single set of Android apps.

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