Android update: This huge upgrade could be coming to your smartphone soon


Android is an operating system that is used for both mobile devices and tablets.

In fact, most smartphones that are not manufactured by Apple Inc run Android.

Google recently released the newest version of its software, Android 9 Pie, which brings a number of notable improvements.

One of the most poignant of these is the ability to harness the power of machine learning.

Although Google releases a number of new features, the Mountain View is making adjustments and tweaks to its software overall.

Google recently held its Android Dev Summit, an event discussing the future of its operating system, and announced a new "In-app Updates API" that will change how users receive app updates.

The American tech giant in the future Android app developers will have two options with a look at delivering updates.

The first will display a message that will dominate the user's display, prompting them that the update is essential.

However, they will have the option to dismiss the notification if they are low on battery for example.

This is expected to be implemented more immediately, such as security fixes.

Meanwhile, the second method will allow developers to deliver new firmware versions in the background, meaning Android owners can still use their smartphones during the process.

Explaining the new changes, Google said: "We're hearing that you'd like to check out the latest version of your app.

"To address this, we're launching an In-app Updates API." We're testing the API with early access partners and will be launching it soon.

"You'll have two options with this API, the first is a full-screen experience for you when you expect the user to wait for the update to be applied immediately.

"The second option is a flexible update, which means that the user can keep using the app while the update is downloaded.

"You can completely customize the update for your app."

The whole effort of Google seems to be in the hands of the future version of their software is in the hands of as many users as possible.

While having been updated, Google's new API is currently in "testing" and is expected to launch to all app developers "soon".

Once developers can take advantage of the functionality, users will start to see such changes.

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