Anniversary of Nelson Mandela: Obama will make a high-level speech in the honor of the former President of South Africa


Barack Obama will deliver a rare speech in South Africa, marking the legacy of anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela.

Tuesday's speech is scheduled to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the last world icon of human rights. The former US president will call on young people around the world to work for fairer societies, highlighting Mandela's fight for democracy and equal rights in South Africa.

This is one of the most publicized addresses that Mr. Obama has made since his departure in early 2017. However, as is the case for almost all his public speeches, he should not mention his successor to the White House, President Donald Trump.

"We are at this moment values ​​that we believed well established – the importance of human rights, respect for diversity – in many parts of the world these values ​​are," said to the Associated Press Ben Rhodes, a longtime Obama contributor to the White House. "Mandela's life is an inspiring example of how we can overcome the obstacles to promoting inclusive democracy and fair society with tolerance towards others. "

Mr. Obama should take advantage of the annual Nelson Mandela winning conference, continued his campaign against apartheid – or the domination of the white minority – despite what appeared to be Mr. Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years as part of his fight for conspiring to overthrow the state, before leaving Robben Island prison and leading his nation

. behind him a legacy of the power of reconciliation and diversity.

Mandela, released from prison in 1990 and became the first black president of South Africa four years later, died in 2013, leaving a legacy of reconciliation and diversity. with resistance to inequality, economic and other.

"In the United States and around the world, many are seeing recent developments that go against Mandela's legacy," Rhodes said. "It will be a global speech, highlighting global trends and focusing on how in his life Mandela has embodied perseverance," Rhodes said.

million. Obama visits Kenya before the speech, returning to his father's land for the first time since he left the presidency.

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