Apollo 11 Moon landings reveal shots that NASA did not want you to see – Brinkwire


Outtakes of landing on the historic Apollo 11 moon were born 49 years after it's happened.

Supplied by NASA to the project Apollo Archive, a project of the self-proclaimed space enthusiast Kipp Teague, the images are sometimes not concentrated, others

Teague, who has scans images and published them on Flickr, has some of the best-known photos on his site, including astronauts' footprints on the moon and collecting various soil samples

However, the new images provide readers with a detailed behind-the-scenes view of the eight-day trip

The set of photos includes an astronaut's boots, Neil Armstrong seated inside the moon. module and a shot out of the focus of the American flag planted on the moon.

The high-resolution images were taken by the three astronauts – Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins – with the broadcast stream that was viewed by 600 Armstrong was the first famous between him and Aldrin, because Collins n & rsquo; Never left the control module, to put the foot on the lunar surface and said: "It's a small step

It was the end of the race to the & 1965 [[19651965196519651965196519651965spacebetweentheUnitedStatesandtheSovietUnionandthecompletionofthe1961declarationofPresidentJohnFKennedybeforethisdecadeisoverAmanonthemoonandbringinghimsafelybacktoEarth

In addition to an American flag and some instruments, the team left behind a plaque: "Here, the men of planet Earth have set foot on the moon. 1969 AD We came in peace for all humanity "with the signatures of astronauts and President Richard Nixon.

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