Apple Seeds Fifth beta of iOS 12 for developers [Updated]


Apple launched the fifth beta of an iOS 12 update for testing purposes, two weeks after the introduction of the fourth beta and more than a month after the introduction of the new software. Developer Conference.

Registered developers can download the new beta version of iOS 12 from the Apple Developer Center or live after installing the appropriate certificate.

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iOS 12 introduces major updates on iOS, Apple reorganizing the operating system from top to bottom to make iPhones and iPads faster and more responsive.

On the iPhone X, there are new Animoji characters with "Memoji", which are customizable, custom Animoji that can be used in both Messages and in FaceTime. Messages and FaceTime also attracted new camera effects, and Group FaceTime support allows audio / video calls with up to 32 people.

Siri is smarter in iOS 12 with a new Shortcuts feature that allows you to create custom automations in multiple steps using first and third party applications that can be enabled with Siri. Shortcuts can be created using the Shortcuts application, available in beta version in the Apple Developer Center.

Apple has integrated complete time management and monitoring tools in iOS 12 with Screen Time, allowing you to track the time you spend on your iPhone and iPad. The limits of the app can help you reduce the use of iOS devices and robust parental controls are included for families.

Do not disturb updates makes it easier than ever to disable notifications and distractions, and a new Do not disturb at bedtime feature reduces nighttime interruptions.

Group notifications make it easy to view and manage incoming notifications, while a new instant setup feature allows you to adjust your notification settings directly on the lock screen, notification by notification.

Apple News has a new Browse function, the Stocks application has been redesigned, iBooks has been redesigned with a new look and a new name – Apple Books – and Voice Memos has been reorganized with iCloud support and an application iPad.

ARKit 2.0 introduces new features such as shared experiences that allow two people to see the same AR environment on separate devices, and persistence, which allows AR experiments to be backed up over multiple sessions. There is also a new Measure app for measuring objects using AR capabilities.

iOS 12 includes a revamped and reconstructed Maps application that uses a new Maps engine designed by Apple that will more accurately display foliage, pools, buildings, pedestrian pathways and other map elements. The new maps also include significant improvements in traffic, real-time road conditions, construction, and more, which will allow Apple to delay changes and repairs faster.

The Rebuilt Maps application is available in the Northern California area during beta testing. After the launch of iOS 12, Apple will continue to roll out the new maps to other US sites by 2018 and 2019.

Tons of other small enhancements and features have been added to iOS 12, so be sure to check out our dedicated summary for more details on what's new in iOS 12.

The initial beta of new operating system updates still introduce new features and new features, and we will describe what's new in the fourth beta below. We also rounded all the changes that were introduced in the previous beta, beta 2 and beta 3, and beta 4.

iOS 12 is available for developers and public beta testers, with a planned public launch in the fall alongside new iPhones.

What's new in iOS 12 beta 5: According to Apple's release notes, the fifth beta of iOS 12 introduces new bugs.

– After rebooting a device, paired Bluetooth accessories may not work properly or be displayed using the device address instead of the name.

– The use of Apple Pay Cash to send or ask for money via Siri may result in an error.

– When using CarPlay, Siri can not open an application by name. Shortcuts involving the opening of an application will not work, and shortcuts requiring confirmation may not work.

– Some shortcut requests may not work.

– When multiple carpool applications are installed, Siri can open an application instead of providing an ETA or a location when requested. Apple suggests asking again as a solution.

– Users may not see the custom user interface when using Siri suggestion shortcuts with built-in intents.

Several bugs have been fixed, including error messages in the App Store when installing an application, an incorrect cell signal bar on the iPhone X on the lock screen or on the home screen, a bug a failure to use Screen Time and data settings to synchronize between devices. Shortcuts will now work primarily in CarPlay and will be restored from iCloud backups.

The HomePod data found in iOS 12 seems to confirm recent rumors that an update of the HomePod software being released alongside iOS 12 will allow the device to be used for make phone calls.

As shared by 9to5Mac a personal image of HomePod asks that the HomePod can be used to send and read messages, add reminders, create notes, make phone calls, etc. to be new.

Right now you can make a phone call on the iPhone and transfer it to the HomePod to use the HomePod as a speaker, but you can not use the HomePod to make calls, something that seems to change after the update. Apple is testing the new HomePod software internally, but it is not available to developers or public beta testers.

Other changes in iOS 12 beta 5: Screen Time in the Settings application no longer lists family members who are not children, and it must be reactivated after setting day to the new beta. ! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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