ArenaNet shoots two Guild Wars 2 writers on Twitter with YouTuber •


ArenaNet has returned two screenwriters ostensibly for their reactions to Twitter comments from a Guild Wars 2 YouTuber partner.

"Recently, two of our employees failed to maintain our standards of communication with players," announced co-founder and president Mike O. Brien in the Guild Wars 2 forum. "Their attacks on the community were unacceptable and, as a result, they are no longer in the business.

"I want to clarify that the statements they made do not reflect at all the opinions of ArenaNet. As a company, we always strive to have a collaborative relationship with the Guild Wars community. We appreciate your contribution. We make this game for you. "

The writers in question are Jessica Price, who was with ArenaNet for almost a year, and Peter Fries, who had been with ArenaNet for over 13 years.

Reddit Ask My Anything on his popular account Twitter, July 3, Sharing an Interesting Thread on Writing Blank Canvas Players for Role Playing Online (and Offline) Partner Guild Wars 2 YouTuber Deroir ] – ArenaNet runs partnership program to help Guild Wars 2 content creators gain visibility – Responded to Price's thread, disagreeing and giving his opinion on how to do it in Guild Wars 2. [19659007] interesting
However, let me disagree * slightly * .I do not think the problem lies in the genre MMORPG itself (as your wording seems to suggest.) I think the problem lies in the constraints of the Living Story concep Narrative Narration (1 of 3)

– From Roir (@DeroirGaming) July 3, 2018

This is the day Price replied to Deroir's tweets the following day – Independence Day, a holiday in the United States where ArenaNet is based – the heart of the problem

. ] "Thank you for trying to tell me what we do internally, my 9_9 guy," she replied . She then retweeted Deroir's remarks to her larger Twitter follow-up, saying, "Today being a female dev game: Let me – a person who does not work with you – explain to you how you are doing your job." [19659002] A few minutes later, she added: "like, the next badhat hike that tries to explain me the concept of branched dialogue – as if, you know, having worked in the narrative game for a bading DECADE, I've never heard of it … PSA. "

The discussion has expanded and people have waded from all sides. Peter Fries – the other writer licensed by ArenaNet – jumped on this point. His tweet has since been removed but a cached version was saved .

Fries, in response to someone complaining that Price was playing the card of the kind, said: "Here is a little hope that I hopefully legitimately It is thinking about: it is n? never asked for feedback, these are our * private * social media accounts – imagine that you're an astronomer and you're starting to share things you've learned in the last few months since you started a Saturn research project

Later, he added: "Today, it's a national holiday, it's our day off, having worked hard for months on our latest release of content . Being embarrbading and unprofessional is because I enjoy a drink in the sun in my backyard and this nonsense is directed towards someone I respect Jessica is excellent in her work and deserves to be treated with respect, was the essence of what I was reacting to. "

Since we have a lot of injured manfeels today, lemme do something clear: this is my diet.I'm not on the clock here.I am not your just emotional courtesan because I'm a dev Do not expect me to pretend to love you here

– Jessica Price (@ Delafina777) 4 July 2018

Price makes one more comment later in the evening. "Since we have a lot of injuries today, the lemma is doing something clear: this is my stream, I'm not at the moment, I'm not your emotional courtesan just because i am a dev. Expect me to pretend to love you here. The attempts of the fans to exercise the property on our personal lives and times are something that I am hardcore about quitting. You do not own me, and I do not owe you. "

Deroir, meanwhile, had published :" In a world where discussions should be encouraged, and not downgraded, and yet the opposite becomes reality, I have apparently found myself in the middle of 39, a war that I had never had the intention of disappointed, that's all. #Affeminist. "

Neither Price, Fries nor Deroir responded to Mike O'Brien's announcement, which was released July 5.

But why send them back at all? Why not give them a warning first – were Price's comments so strong that they warranted an automatic deletion – and the fries – were his remarks really enough to abruptly end more than 13 years ago?

We do not know what happened behind the scenes, though ArenaNet asked Price to suppress his tweets and to apologize … and the situation degenerated from from where the two employees would have already had warnings – Price had politely tweeted about the death of TotalBiscuit in May for example.

All we need to do is the statement of O & Brien – "Recently, two of our employees did not meet our communication standards a with the players and, therefore, they are no longer with the company "- which, in the complicated world of social media, where the separation between a person and an employee is blurred, could be a worrying precedent to define .

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