Here is a calendar of the most prominent events taking place on a World Day of Commemoration.
• 11am: two minute silence followed by church bells ringing in unison across Britain.
• The Pages of the Sea event designed by Danny Boyle. The faces of the heroes of the First World War will be sculpted in the sand on 32 beaches.
• 11 am: service at the cenotaph of Whitehall; The parade of veterans coordinated by the Royal British Legion.
• 12h30-13h30: the "People's Procession" – 10,000 people who got tickets during a public vote to parade in front of the cenotaph.
• 17h-22h: 10,000 flames illuminate the moat around the Tower of London.
• 18:55: Bugles sound the Last Post in more than 1,000 locations in Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Bermuda, France, Belgium, Canada, the United States and Germany.
• 7 pm: The lighthouses of the First World War will burn across the country to signify the light of peace.
• 7:05 pm: the bells of the church and cathedral ring. 100 criers of cities call for peace in the world.
• 10:30 am: ceremony at the Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, Somme.
• 10:40 am: parade at the Memorial of the Missing Thiepval in the Somme.
• 11:00 am: commemoration ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, in the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron, US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Irish tacos Leo Varadkar.
• 11:00 am ceremony at the Newfoundland Memorial Park, near Beaumont-Hamel, Somme.
• 10:30 am: Commemorative ceremony at the Mons municipal cemetery.
• 11 am: Service of the last mail at the Menin Gate in Ypres, Flanders.
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