As the parties gear up for the 2019 election, the Scheer Conservatives are the first favorites of the summer: poll


Andrew Scheer's Conservatives are barbecuing Justin Trudeau's Liberals this summer, while Jagmeet Singh's New Democrats are up sharply to compete as all parties prepare for The 2019 Federal Election Campaign. [19659002] The Scheer Conservatives were the preferred choice of 37% of the decided and leaning voters that Ipsos polled at the end of June, while the Trudeau Liberals had the largest number of voters. 33% support and 21% Singh NPD

. An online survey of 1,002 eligible voters, provided exclusively to Global News, was held from June 27 to June 20.

Still, Trudeau's popularity rating continues to improve

. of one of the most prominent Liberal election promises, the commitment to legalize the recreational use of cannabis; Ipsos found that 55 percent of respondents approved of the prime minister's work, a five-point improvement over a similar position. survey two weeks ago.

Trudeau's approval jumps in the middle of Trump's trade – but that might not last long: Ipsos poll

And while the so-called "horse racing" in the middle of the summer, 18 months before an actual election are sometimes rejected by observers This poll of Ipsos and others who will surely see the light of day over the coming months will take on a new importance as each party will begin to seriously look for strong candidates for the 2019 election.

Volunteers and Donors May Also Turn to

A prospective Conservative candidate, for example, might be encouraged by Scheer's good performance in the polls, as well as by the recent electoral victory of Chicoutimi-Le Fjord. on these factors, can make the significant personal commitment required to become a candidate for the 2019 elections.

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer arrives with Richard Martel, who won the By-Election in the riding of Chicoutimi -The Fjord, before Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Wednesday, June 20, 2018.


On the other hand, the poor performance New Democrats in Chicoutimi-Le Fjord and dozens of other by-elections since the arrival of Trudeau in 2015, coupled with continuing weakness in the number of e tellers will complicate Singh's task of recruiting good candidates, volunteers and donors. 19659007] LEARN MORE:
The Conservatives began their recruitment and appointment campaign at the end of June when Trudeau attended the Cabinet Minister Navdeep Bains nomination meeting in his riding of Mississauga-Malton.

Mr. Bains is widely considered to be the top political minister of the federal Liberals in the Greater Toronto Area

The latest Ipsos poll on Trudeau's Liberals could be a possible rebound in Ontario after the decimation of Ontario Liberals.

Kathleen Wynne's liberals entered this campaign with 55 seats at Queen's Park and lost 48 of them. With only seven seats in the legislature, the Ontario Liberals no longer have official party status and are the third party in the Legislature.

Doug Ford's Progressive Conservatives win the majority of seats and Andrea Horwath second. 19659002] The federal Liberals have long privately acknowledged that Wynne's immense unpopularity was a hindrance to the popularity of the Trudeau Liberals in Ontario.

Indeed, two weeks ago, Ipsos found that the Trudeau Liberals had lost 11 points.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, s & # 39, address to reporters in the Parliament Hall. The House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Wednesday, May 9, 2018. k

THE CANADIAN PRESS / Sean Kilpatrick

But with Wynne gone and Ford in power, Ipsos found that the Conservative leader in Ontario almost gone with the Conservatives, with 35% in Ontario and 33% among Liberals

The federal NDP has the support of 26% of Ontario's electors.


The Ford Nation Takes on Ontario: What the PQ Mean for Justin Trudeau

Ipsos claims that the results of its most recent survey are accurate to 3.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, for the number national.

The regional sonar results will be less accurate because they come from a smaller sample, although the sounder has not provided an estimate of their accuracy.

For the most recent poll, Ipsos was able to reach 326 voters decided and bent over Ontario

Ipsos also asked respondents to rate the Trudeau government on a dozen key questions

Top Rankings The government's focus was on improving Canada's relationship with Aboriginal communities, with 30% of them saying that it had improved relationship, compared with 55% who think it remained the even and 15 percent who claim that it has worsened.

The Trudeau Government's Worst Ranking on Ipsos' Survey Questions Responds Indeed, 47% of respondents say the federal government has worsened Canada's immigration system, while 17% only say that it has improved.

46% According to Trudeau and other Liberals, the Canada Child Tax Benefit has improved the financial situation of most Canadian households, while the Canadian Child Tax Benefit has improved the financial situation of most Canadian households. Conservatives have long claimed that the Trudeau government worsened the situation. They have relentlessly argued that the Prime Minister's approach to setting carbon prices has increased costs for households

The survey result suggests that the Conservatives dominate this public relations battle. a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

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