As time warms, remnants of ancient civilizations emerge in Wales – National


The extremely hot and dry weather that has spread across the globe in recent weeks has had an unexpected fallout in Wales, where the contours of ancient civilizations emerge from once green fields.

Archaeologists and historians watched in amazement as drought conditions revealed the clear contours of long-lost medieval castles, Roman forts, and pre-Roman colonies.

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19 C this time of year, they reached levels above 30 ° C for days at a time this summer , and the vegetation on the surface has dried up.

But depending on the use of these same fields Over the past centuries, plants may have access to increased moisture and a rich topsoil along older trench lines or less. moisture where the walls have been erected.

WATCH: Drought in Ireland reveals undiscovered Neolithic monumen t in the field of farmers

This diagram courtesy of the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historic Monuments of Wales (RCAHMW) shows how the process works:

Recent developments have led to a stampede to record "I have not seen any conditions like this since I resumed the archeological robbery at the Royal Commission in 1997, "said archeologist Toby Driver in a statement.

Driver spent much of the last three weeks aboard a small plane, trying to capture these shadows from the past of British air

Culture markings show where prehistoric enclosures once existed on the Llyn Peninsula. Source: RCAHMW

A recently discovered Iron Age farm in the Coastal Ceredigion Source: RCAHMW

"A new archeology shows that it's amazing"

"The urgent work in the air will now lead to months of research at the office during the winter months to map and record all sites that have been seen, and reveal their true meaning. "

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A Glamorgan valley was discovered in the Glamorgan Valley, where a new prehistoric colony was discovered . battlements. Early medieval cemetery also revealed in southern Gwynedd

The RCAHMW responded to media inquiries from around the world as news of crop circles (and squares) spread,

. taking place in Ireland, where a drone recently discovered the outlines of a monument dating back to around 3000 years BC.

A persistent heat wave struck large areas of the northern hemisphere in late June and early July, breaking records in Canada and the United States. , Europe and the Middle East. In Quebec, the death of at least 70 people is blamed

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