Asia Bibi flown to secret location after being freed from jail after eight years on death row for blasphemy


The British Pakistani Christian Association which is in touch with the family, said that Mrs Bibi and her family “all still face a real and present danger of being killed”.

Wilson Chowdhry of the badociation said: ”News of Asia’s release today bring great elation and joy to the Christian community of Pakistan and their diaspora across the world. 

He went on: “If you told me two years ago that Asia Bibi would one day be set free, I would have told you it was not humanly possible.”

Mrs Bibi spent nearly eight years on death row after being wrongly convicted of defaming the Prophet Mohammed in a row with fellow farmworkers. She had always denied blasphemy and said she the accusation was malicious.

On Thursday the Netherlands offered temporary shelter to her lawyer, Saiful Mulook, who fled Pakistan at the weekend.

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