At least 3 dead after magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Indonesia


A powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the popular tourist destination of Lombok in Indonesia Sunday, killing three people and damaging many buildings, said the country's disaster mitigation agency [19659002]. "We jumped off our beds to prevent us from falling on our heads," said Jean-Paul Volckaert, who was woken up by the earthquake while he was sleeping at the Puncak Hotel, near Senggigi, on Lombok. 19659002] "I walked around but until now there was no damage, we were very surprised because the water in the pools was swaying like a sea. There were waves in the pools but only for 20 to 30 seconds. " "People in the villages can have damage. It's still early in the morning here."

The earthquake, which was quickly followed by a magnitude 5.4 replica in the same area, was centered 50 kilometers northeast of the town of Mata Ram, the US Geological Survey said.

Data sementara dampak gempa 6.4 SR from Lombok Timur: 3 orang tewas, 2 luka dan puluhan bangunan rusak. Gempa susulan 43 kali sampai 29/7/2018 pukul 08.09 WIB. BPBD masih melakukan pendataan. Korban diperkirakan bertambah. Masyarakat dan turis diminta tenang adanya gempa susulan.


Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, the spokesman for the disaster mitigation agency, posted on Twitter photos of houses with roofs and collapsed walls

"The mountaineering of Rinjani is temporarily closed because there are indications of a landslide around the mountain," Nugroho said in a statement. a communiqué

. people were still sleeping when the first earthquake struck and they quickly fled their homes in panic. Most people were still waiting outside their homes for fear of aftershocks, Metro TV said.

The earthquake hit Sunday at 6:47 and lasted only seven kilometers, a shallow depth that would have amplified its effect. The second strike less than an hour later

#Gempa Mag: 6.4 SR, 29-Jul-18 05:47:39 WIB, Lok: 8.26 LS, 116 , 55 BT (28 km BaratLaut LOMBOKTIMUR-NTB), Kedlmn: 10 Km #BMKG tidak berpotensi tsunami dan mengakibatkan beberapa rumah rusak from Sambelia, Lombok Timur #gempabumiLombokTimur / lEQxsOE7YT


A magnitude 6.4 earthquake is considered strong and is capable of causing severe damage.

The European-Mediterranean seismological center, the European earthquake agency, established the magnitude at 6.5

. Lombok is the next island in East Bali

Earthquakes are common in Indonesia, which lies on the seismically active "fire belt" that surrounds the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

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