Australia issues joint apology with Philippines for basketball brawl | sport


The basketball federations of Australia and the Philippines have made common excuses for Monday's troubling fight, but it is unlikely that they will mitigate the penalties that will be imposed by Fiba.

Players in Australia and the Philippines are facing lengthy bans on their participation in the uncontrollable fight. Filipino players and officials face penalties, but Australian players Daniel Kickert and Thon Maker also face nervous expectations. Basketball Australia President Ned Coten and his Philippine counterpart Alfredo S Panlilio said they deeply regretted the events that took place. They said that basketball had a unique power to unite, and that both nations would aim to display the "true spirit of friendship and sportsmanship" in future games. "The actions posted [on Monday] have no place on a basketball court" the joint statement between Coten and Panlilio said. "We wish to apologize to the entire basketball community around the world – and especially to our fantastic fans in the Philippines and Australia – for the behavior displayed by both teams and for discrediting the basketball game."

and collaborate in ongoing proceedings to investigate incidents. We will do everything in our power to prevent this from happening again. "

Chris Goulding said that he had just tried to protect his head for what appeared to be a" hell of a long time "while Filipino players and officials

The elite Boomer shooter publicly spoke of his event for the first time on Thursday and revealed that he had been worried for his family because of the nasty incident that occurred during the 89-53 win of the # Australia vs. the Philippines

Goulding says he is "very grateful" to Australian Giant Assistant Coach Luc Longley, who came to his rescue while he was being attacked while He was lying on the floor behind one end of the courtyard.

"He kicked me. get started, "Goulding told SEN radio. "It was not like I knew exactly what was happening, it happened from behind, I was on the ground and 10 to 15 people were on me with chairs and all that you can imagine.

"At that time, I did not think I could lose my life, it was just literally protecting the"

Goulding said that guard Nathan Sobey was came to his aid when he took a chair behind his head and punched his face.

"Sobey saw me there, he knew what was going on and he tried to come and help and he had a chair thrown at him and then he was It's just something you never think you'll ever experience. "

Goulding also gave credit to Australian bench players, who received criticism for not being rushed to help their teammates outnumbered when the Philippine bench cleared, though some had to be restricted

"In the end, this discipline that we showed as a team is what made us win the match. If we ran off the bench, everyone would have been disqualified. "

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