Australian guards capture a gigantic saltwater crocodile after a decade of hunting, authorities say


  A salt water croc of 15 feet and 1300 pounds was caught in Australia.

A salt water croc of 15 feet and 1300 pounds was caught in Australia.

(NT Ministry of Tourism and Culture via AP)

A 15-foot salt water crocodile was captured Monday in an area of ​​Australia popular with tourists as it is considered safe from reptiles, the guards said. fauna

. In 1965, the Northern Territory and Park authorities declared that the authorities had hunted the giant crocodile for a decade, said Ranger John Burke

. "We've called a lot of things over the years because it's been so hard to catch," Burke said.

  On Monday, July 9, 2018, a photo provided by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of the Northern Territory, a large crocodile is attached to a trailer after being captured near Katherine, Australia. Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife said in a statement Tuesday July 10, 2018 that it has captured the 1300-pound (600-kilogram) reptile just 30 kilometers downstream from Katherine Gorge, a major tourist attraction outside the Northern Territory. Katherine town. (Ministry of Tourism and Culture of the NT via AP)

The Rangers have been chasing the hook for a decade.

"Recorded, it is the largest saltwater crocodile removed from the Katherine Management Zone," he said, referring to the part of the river where the fangs of the "Katherine" were found. Salt water is caught because they get too close to tourist areas.

Marine crocodiles are protected in Australia. Webb said the capture has proven that the government's protection program has worked.

"It's disturbing, but it's good that they have an active schedule and that they have active traps," he said. a farm outside Katherine where he is likely to become the new tourist attraction.

Associated Press contributed to this report.

Ryan Gaydos is a publisher for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @RyanGaydos .

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