Avengers 4 Title "REVEALED" by Russo Brothers in Comic Con Video | Films | Entertainment


The sequel to Avengers Infinity War will be released next April, but Marvel fans are still unaware of its true title.

Marvel Studios did not have a panel at San Diego Comic Con this year, but the Avengers 4 directors sent a video

No, not for the Marvel epic, but to present in front of the panel their other project, the TV series Deadly Clbad of Syfy.

Nevertheless, they managed to get a joke for the title Avengers 4 fans.

According to the cartoon, the Russo brothers thanked the fans in the video and apologized for not being present because of their work on Avengers 4.

However they did not say Avengers 4. They said that they were working on "a little movie called Avengers …"

At this point a censorship beep sounds so that fans do not hear the title.

The brothers and sisters teased each other for potentially ruining the title, before repeating the same sound. Well, reading on the lips has not been helpful since Joe and Anthony Russo have simply said absurd words after the word Avengers

. A popular theory is that the title is Avengers: Endgame, after Dr. Strange said "We are in the end game now", in Avengers Infinity War.

The moment was when the wizard voluntarily traded Tony Stark's life against the temporal stone, seeing the only possible future where the Avengers would defeat Thanos. Of course, this path involved the victory of Mad Titan and the death of Dr. Strange, but it looks like he knows what he's doing.

Endgame also alleged by Cosmic Book News, claiming to have a source at Disney.

The director of photography put this title on the CV on his official website, before changing it.

The only thing that opposes this theory is the fact that the Russo Brothers have said that the title Avengers 4 is never told in Avengers Infinity War. I'm unless they play it coy.

Avengers 4 will be released in British theaters on April 26, 2019.

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