"Bad luck": "Happy" from Amazing Race Canada blames the loss of crabs


In the process of eliminating The Amazing Race Canada is difficult with any team. But when you are the first pair of house publishing Heroes of the franchise, it is an even more difficult pill to swallow.

For the new season, the most-watched summer series in Canada features those wearing military clothing. or police uniforms;

Two retired air force pilots from the small town of Ontario – Corey "Chewy" Liddle and Mark "Happy" LaVerdiere – who wanted their work to be done as teachers, nurses or volunteers. Apparition to honor the men and women who serve our country.

But in a jiffy, Liddle and LaVerdière started first and seemed to be a favorite before finishing the first step of right, just behind the charity. Joseph Truong and Akash Sidhu

This is perhaps the closest end to the history of Amazing Race Canada "I heard him a few times, "says LaVerdiere at Sun Season 6 began in British Columbia at Hatley Castle of Royal Roads University, a national historic site located in Victoria, where teams came to the Squamish mountain town. In front of the first Roadblock of the season, one rider from each team had to retrieve a plush beaver doll, hopping over the canyon floor by springing from a swing

Liddle decided to take up the beaver challenge. he thought that he needed someone who was strong.

"When they said," Who wants to save a beaver? "It was a challenge to cut the wood," LaVerdière laughs. Liddle is bigger than me, that's why he did that. "

Liddle struggled to retrieve the beaver, while Nancy Csabay, barrel racing champion, Leanne Larsen, Argos cheerleader, Todd Kirk, infant cancer survivor The officer of the RCMP Taylor Callens, banker Phil Seo, coach Dylan Elias and Royal Canadian Navy member Monica Demian all completed the challenge on their first attempt

"He went first and I think that. "It's always hard to do anything at first, and missing that first jump took a long time. He had to go up the mountain and then come back online to try again. "

Liddle and LaVerdiere managed to get back into the race at the second Roadblock, which saw the rider who did not perform the first Roadblock gear They climbed up to the top of a pole 80ft.

But after the pole challenge, the teams had to paddle up to Darrell's Bay to make crab, and by setting up the traps, the riders hoped to find crabs the size of the standard to receive their next index.

"It was just bad luck that our crab was too small," LaVerdiere rise. "Other teams arrived and made their first outing. There is no rhyme or reason for that – that's what it is.

Liddle at work, LaVerdière reflects on his short but sweet journey Amazing Race Canada

] You were literally right behind Joseph and Akash. What was the most difficult part of this ending?

Just before the finish line, we had the crab challenge and it was pure chance. You had to paddle, find the buoy get the crab and row back. We went back and forth four or five times. From the day, we were in first place. So for us to go from first to last in a few hours, it was heartbreaking. But in the end, it was not meant to be

All the challenges of the first episode seemed extremely difficult. Do you think the Amazing Race Canada: Heroes series is going to be the most difficult season to date?

Yes. There are incredible teams. There are teams in good physical shape, smart teams … you name it, each team brings something to the table. What Chewy and I brought was a whole life experience. As pilots, we were pretty good at solving problems and staying cool under pressure. But in the end, I think the race is designed so that any team can win. The challenges of luck are thrown out there and these help to equalize everything. Of course, we were eliminated first, but I think if we had a different chance, we could have won the race.

There are competitive teams from all walks of life. In your opinion, who were the biggest threats?

Looking around, we thought that Kwame and Dylan were probably the biggest physical challenge. We thought that Adam and Courtney were a challenge. We watched Melissa and Nancy as being up there, especially in terms of intelligence and life experience. The two police officers, Taylor and Courtney, had a lot of experience in dealing with the issues and remained cold under pressure. Everyone had something.

We know that runners go abroad at certain times of the season. Was there somewhere where you would like you to go?

One thing I was hoping to do was dive with sharks in South Africa. I hoped it could have happened

Which teams inspired you to try in the first place?

Chewy and I are happy people by nature, so we loved Mickey and Pete from Season 2. We also loved Jet and Dave from Season 1, they were fun. I loved Natalie and Meaghan from season 2. They competed in a sporty way and they still kicked. Obviously Team Give's from last year. These are the teams we loved.

If there had been an incredible Redemption season, would you come back and try to redeem yourself?

Heck yeah. Highligths. We want a second time to bat. We think we have so much more to offer. We have so much more to show in Canada with our enthusiasm and dedication.

The Amazing Race Canada edition: Heroes airs Tuesdays on CTV

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