Bear climbs into a residential area of ​​Port Perry


Chris Fox,

Published Friday, July 13, 2018 8:06 AM EDT

Last Updated Friday, July 13, 2018 8:20 AM EDT

A bear that was seen in a residential area of ​​Port Perry on Friday morning climbed onto a tree and the police are now waiting for the arrival of the staff of the Department of Natural Resources to help resolve the situation.

Bear after residents spotted her on Ella Street just before 7 am

According to Const. George Tudos, the agents quickly responded and found the bear running through the surrounding neighborhood. He said that the bear had since climbed a tree.

"It does not seem like the bear is aggressive in any way, but it's a wild animal and things are changing," he said. We will do our best to work with the Ministry of Natural Resources to ensure that this bear is safe and sound. "

Tudos said that the police had concerns at first because there were a number of children in the area. But he said everything was "safe and calm" right now.

He said that he hoped that the staff of the Department of Natural Resources will be able to tranquilize the bear before relocating it to a nearby forest. We really hope we can resolve this safely, "he said.

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