Becky Lynch wins an epic match as fans continue to light Charlotte Flair

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WWE Evolution 2018 made history when Becky Lynch defeated Charlotte Flair in the latest Last Woman Standing Match to retain the Women's SmackDown Championship, but the most interesting development inside the Nbadau Coliseum was the last setback of Flair's babyface thrust.

Credit: WWE / TwitterCredit: WWE / Twitter

If the creative team has clearly made the right choice by continuing the long-awaited reign of Lynch's title (and that both stars have destroyed the house at the biggest women's match of all time), WWE remains committed to to present Flair as the fan's favorite, even though fans say clearly that should not be the case. Indeed, all the rivalry between Flair and Lynch is characterized by shades of gray that have blurred the line between good and evil, but anyone who witnessed this quarrel from the beginning will tell you that Lynch is the one who is acclaimed while Flair is slowly but surely being rejected.

That sounds like what we've seen in recent years with Roman Reigns, when a very talented superstar, essentially no-fault on his part, ended up being rejected by many fans while she was not getting what she wanted. ;she wanted. . In this case, the public wants Lynch and the unfortunate side effect for Flair is that fans do not want it.

It was never so obvious that he was in front of a packed house of Evolution, when Lynch, to crown a match of all time, was able to hold Flair on behalf of 10 in a wise booking decision that do not develop Lynch's budding star power. In recent months, Lynch's stock in the world of professional wrestling has exploded. She would apparently have a big supporter to Vince McMahon, who would have "used it as an example of someone who took the ball and ran withShe was also compared to the influential "Rowdy" of the WWE Hall of Fame, Roddy Piper, and she was even nicknamed "The Woman Steve Austin".

On a recent episode of Steve Austin's show (h / t WrestlingInc), "Stone Cold" himself praised Lynch while noting that Flair is better as heel, saying:

For me, Charlotte is a definite heel. We know that she is a heel. We push it like a heel. We reserve it as a heel. Yes, for me, she has a definite role. She is totally confident in one or the other, but I think she is more comfortable as heel.

Of course, WWE has not reserved Flair as a full heel, despite Lynch's growing popularity and overwhelming consensus that he will never be accepted as a full baby as long as Lynch is present and especially if Lynch is present. to be forced into a more heel role. Of course, the same problem has plagued Reigns in recent years, when the WWE insisted on pushing it to play baby-face and sometimes stellar baby surfaces such as Seth Rollins and Finn Balor, while forcing Braun Strowman to play the role of heel. the popularity was growing.

Nowadays, WWE cares less and less about traditional baby's heels and faces or the definition of a clearly defined fight between right and wrong, instead adopting a more realistic approach in which no star is left out. Is 100% good or 100% bad. While this philosophy sounds much more authentic at a time when the anti-hero is all the rage in all areas, from novels to TV shows, to movies, boo birds have ruled Flair a bit like a flock of seagulls on a sandy beach.

The seventh female champion sparked an extremely negative reaction to Super Show-Down (and SmackDown the week before). This reaction was successful at Evolution, when fans made it clear that Lynch is an adorable neglected type of Daniel Bryan. which was retained by the WWE management but finally breaks this metaphorical glbad ceiling. Although Lynch was finally described as the main star of the event, it should have been established a very long time ago, which did not stop the Flair Flair race from becoming a point of frustration.

WWE's Stephanie McMahon recently winced, saying, "We're doing just fine for one reason: we've listened to our audience," and it's true that Lynch became a SmackDown champion, which the fans had been before. Claimant. However, every time the WWE listens to the public, there are 10 more examples of what is not the case, as the illustrious Flair who is still forced to pretend, then that is like putting a square stake in a round hole.

At Evolution, we found once again that a baby's face, Flair, did not fit, even though she was facing a star like Lynch.

Will WWE finally do something?

Blake Oestriecher is a primary school teacher by day and a sports writer at night. It contributes to @ForbesSports, where he mainly covers the WWE. You can follow him on Twitter @BOestriecher.


WWE Evolution 2018 made history when Becky Lynch defeated Charlotte Flair in the latest Last Woman Standing Match to retain the Women's SmackDown Championship, but the most interesting development inside the Nbadau Coliseum was the last setback of Flair's babyface thrust.

Credit: WWE / TwitterCredit: WWE / Twitter

If the creative team has clearly made the right choice by continuing the long-awaited reign of Lynch's title (and that both stars have destroyed the house at the biggest women's match of all time), WWE remains committed to to present Flair as the fan's favorite, even though fans say clearly that should not be the case. Indeed, all the rivalry between Flair and Lynch is characterized by shades of gray that have blurred the line between good and evil, but anyone who witnessed this quarrel from the beginning will tell you that Lynch is the one who is acclaimed while Flair is slowly but surely being rejected.

That sounds like what we've seen in recent years with Roman Reigns, when a very talented superstar, essentially no-fault on his part, ended up being rejected by many fans while she was not getting what she wanted. ;she wanted. . In this case, the public wants Lynch and the unfortunate side effect for Flair is that the fans do not want it.

It was never so obvious that he was in front of a packed house of Evolution, when Lynch, to crown a match of all time, was able to hold Flair on behalf of 10 in a wise booking decision that do not develop Lynch's budding star power. In recent months, Lynch's stock in the world of professional wrestling has exploded. She would apparently have a big supporter to Vince McMahon, who would have "used it as an example of someone who took the ball and ran withShe was also compared to the influential "Rowdy" of the WWE Hall of Fame, Roddy Piper, and she was even nicknamed "The Woman Steve Austin".

On a recent episode of Steve Austin's show (h / t WrestlingInc), "Stone Cold" himself praised Lynch while noting that Flair is better as heel, saying:

For me, Charlotte is a definite heel. We know that she is a heel. We push it like a heel. We reserve it as a heel. Yes, for me, she has a definite role. She is totally confident in one or the other, but I think she is more comfortable as heel.

Of course, WWE has not reserved Flair as a full heel, despite Lynch's growing popularity and overwhelming consensus that he will never be accepted as a full baby as long as Lynch is present and especially if Lynch is present. to be forced into a more heel role. Of course, the same problem has plagued Reigns in recent years, when the WWE insisted on pushing it to play baby-face and sometimes stellar baby surfaces such as Seth Rollins and Finn Balor, while forcing Braun Strowman to play the role of heel. the popularity was growing.

Nowadays, WWE cares less and less about traditional baby's heels and faces or the definition of a clearly defined fight between right and wrong, instead adopting a more realistic approach in which no star is left out. Is 100% good or 100% bad. While this philosophy sounds much more authentic at a time when the anti-hero is all the rage in all areas, from novels to TV shows, to movies, boo birds have ruled Flair a bit like a flock of seagulls on a sandy beach.

The seventh female champion sparked an extremely negative reaction to Super Show-Down (and SmackDown the week before). This reaction was successful at Evolution, when fans made it clear that Lynch is an adorable neglected type of Daniel Bryan. which was retained by the WWE management but finally breaks this metaphorical glbad ceiling. Although Lynch was finally described as the main star of the event, it should have been established a very long time ago, which did not stop the Flair Flair race from becoming a point of frustration.

WWE's Stephanie McMahon recently winced, saying, "We're doing just fine for one reason: we've listened to our audience," and it's true that Lynch became the SmackDown champion, which the fans had claimed. However, every time the WWE listens to the public, there are 10 more examples of what is not the case, as the illustrious Flair who is still forced to pretend, then that is like putting a square stake in a round hole.

At Evolution, we found once again that a baby's face, Flair, did not fit, even though she was facing a star like Lynch.

Will WWE finally do something?

Blake Oestriecher is a primary school teacher by day and a sports writer at night. It contributes to @ForbesSports, where he mainly covers the WWE. You can follow him on Twitter @BOestriecher.

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