BEFORE CHRIST. now recognizes the sex marker "X" on the driver's license, the birth certificate


British Columbians who do not identify as male or female can now choose to display an X in the gender field of their driver's license, ID card, birth certificate and service card issued in Colombia -British.

"Since last summer, we have been working on amending government documents with respect and recognition for people who do not identify as men or women," Health Minister Adrian Dix said. , said. "The inclusion of the X bad designation on the identity of the key is an important step in that direction.

A Vancouver resident requests the non-binary designation of type "X" on his health card and driver's license.

The move is described by the BC government as a first step. Trans Care BC defines non-binary as a generic term for various people whose gender identity is neither feminine nor masculine.

Last year, Joshua M. Ferguson, whose identity is a man but did not identify himself as a man or woman, was not allowed to use the "X" as a bad marker on a license to drive combined / BC service card after the rejection of an application.

Ferguson has a birth certificate issued by Ontario with an "X" marking the bad.

BC The Government has consulted with other Canadian jurisdictions on the change announced on Friday.

"The lack of alternatives for those who did not identify with the male or female designation had already led to cases being considered by the Human Rights Tribunal," said the Attorney General, David Eby. "This change is a step in the right direction to promote the inclusion of all British Columbians."

Departments are also exploring next steps to move to a non-medical model of gender identification to advance equity and inclusivity.

BEFORE CHRIST. wants to "do it right" in terms of gender-neutral identification, but does not rush: the Minister of Health

For those born in British Columbia, they must submit a bad designation change request form as well as a copy of the doctor's confirmation form or psychologist's form to the Statistics Agency of Canada. 39; marital status to pbad from a gender designation to an X. On request, the Vital Statistics Agency issue a birth certificate that reflects the new gender marker and a new birth certificate has a cost.

The next step is to send the new birth certificate to Health Insurance B.C. to update their system. At this point, a letter will be sent to ICBC so that the driver's license can be updated.

BEFORE CHRIST. baby first to get a health card without a gender marker

For people who are not born in British Columbia, but are now in British Columbia. Residents, Vital Statistics can not change the bad designation of other jurisdictions, but ICBC will have up-to-date information to change a person's license.

Last year, the federal government announced that Canadians would be able to register an "X" in place of bad in their pbadports.

"As a trans individual, I know from experience that having identification documents reflecting my personality positively influences my access to education, education and training." employment, housing, health care and more, "said Gwen Haworth, project manager at Trans Care BC.

"I am grateful that the province is taking this step and I am confident that it will benefit many British Columbians and their families."

As part of the BC To move to a non-medical model of gender identification, the government will re-examine the documentation requirements for support from health practitioners.

The designation X could also provide more information to health care providers in the treatment of binary patients.

"As a doctor who works with people of diverse cultures and many men and women, I have observed the many ways in which non-binary people are invisible in our society, with negative impacts on their health and their well-being, "Marria Townsend, Medical Director of Trans Care BC, said.

"This is a positive step towards the recognition and affirmation of humanity by those British Columbians who do not identify as men or women."

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