BlackBerry "Ghost" will feature a 4000mAh battery


After the first series of leaks, the BlackBerry news "Ghost" was pretty thin, but a new treat left by Evan Blbad shows that Optiemus ensures that the # The device is well equipped in the battery department. According to Blbad, the "Ghost" will have a battery of 4,000mAh.

One more treat from Ghost: it has a battery of 4,000mAh, which would be one of the biggest in a flagship-clbad device.

– Evan Blbad (@evleaks) July 5, 2018

The time of publication, as well as many other details about the device, including whether it will be available outside of the world. India, stay in the air at this stage. Previously, Optiemus had planned to announce the "Ghost" and "Ghost Pro" in the next two quarters, then this summer and now, who knows. Optiemus seems to have us all ghosts when it comes to more details.

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